The Plague Doctor

Start from the beginning

Batarian: Humans. Should have guessed. Bad enough you infect us with this plague. Now you lack the decency to even wait until I die before you come to steal my possessions?

Shepard: We're looking for Mordin Solus

Batarian: Of course. Humans looking for the human sympathizer. I hope those wretched vorcha burn Mordin and his clinic to the ground. I hope you- (Coughing)

(The batarian starts coughing)

Shepard: Hey. Stay with me. I don't think this will cure you, but it'll help a bit

(Shepard gives the batarian a dose of medi-gel)

Batarian: You... you helped me. Why?

Shepard: It's what I do. My name is Shepard. I don't know if I can find a cure for this plague, but I'm going to try

Batarian: Your words sound... Sincere. Maybe it's the fever. But what have I got to lose? What do you wish to know?

Shepard: First off, what do you know about the plague?

Batarian: Mystery drips from this place like the blood from my sores. This plague is too potent to be a naturally occurring virus. Airborne transmission across numerous species? Near-perfect mortality rate? It had to be created in a lab. It's killing everyone except for humans, and vorcha are immune to disease. Many blame humans for creating it. And a few blame the vorcha

Shepard: Interesting... When I find Mordin, I'll tell him about you. If he has a cure, I'll make sure someone gets it to you

(The batarian coughs)

Batarian: Thank you. My time is running short, but at least you have given me a flicker of hope to brighten the darkness during my final hours. I don't want to die. Whatever Mordin is, I will risk it, if he can reach me

Shepard: What makes Mordin dangerous?

Batarian: Some blue suns tried to press him for protection money, but he killed them. Stunned them with some kind of toxin, and he gunned them down. He's not just a doctor. Doctors don't execute people and display their bodies as a warning. Mordin's clinic is on the far end of the district, taking in refugees. Offering to help those infected with the plague. But they're in danger from the war going on between the vorcha and the blue suns

Shepard: I should go

Batarian: Goodbye... Shepard

(Shepard, Thorne, Miranda, Jacob, and Galahad start running towards the far end of the district, but then they see a group of vorcha in a gunfight with a group of blue suns)

Shepard: Get em!

(The squad moves in, making it a 3-way gunfight. They move in to try and take out both the vorcha and the blue suns)

(As the two other parties kill each other off, the squad moves in)

(Shepard and Thorne use their assault rifles to take out the blue suns)

(Galahad blows the vorcha away with his heavy machine gun)

(Miranda and Jacob provide support as needed with their biotic abilities and pistols)

(As the squad gets closer and closer to Mordin's clinic, they see more and more vorcha using varrens as attack hounds)

(Jacob uses his biotics to throw an explosive container, killing a couple of vorcha)

(The varrens charge forward, but Galahad's heavy machine gun keeps them at bay)

(Shepard, Thorne, and Miranda handle most of the gunplay, taking out the rest of the vorchas in that group)

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