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Continuing the cold war Reena didn't talk to him since the time they came back to the palace, tho Rocky wanted to clear the air but it would've only resulted in another fight and he didn't want that to happen. He preferred to give her some time and space which she wanted from him, therefore they didn't talk after coming back home and ultimately ended up sleeping silently without exchanging a single word that night.

Reena who was furious with Rocky was a little calmer now, after having all the space for thinking about how she reacted. Undoubtedly she overreacted and she knows this generously yet even Rocky was at some fault according to her. He always keeps blundering and this makes her concerned, she doesn't want anything to go out of his hands. Taking the fight along wasn't something she want and when it's her fault she can at least apologize to him because he always does even when it's her fault. She knows her husband is so patient with her and she has always troubling people around her with her anger issues, especially him.

After taking a shower Rocky wore a bathrobe and walked back into the bedroom, first thing he saw was her sitting on the couch. He stood for a moment observing her, she was acting like to reading a book just to avoid him and her nervous yet stern face told him she was looking for him and when he came she started acting like she was involved in reading.

He smiled within himself and walked towards the bed where his clothes were already laying, she chose his clothes as usual. When he picked up his shirt, a piece of paper fell on the bed while she continued to act as if she was reading but in reality, her eyes were on him.

"I'm sorry!" he muttered, reading the words on square paper. He snapped at his wife to look at her but she covered her face with a book, making him chuckle at her act. She is impossible to understand sometimes, he thought. A few minutes later, he got ready wearing a formal suit.

"So you're still furious with me-" he asked, sitting next to her on the couch. He had a heart-melting smile on his face giving Reena some hard times to control melting towards him.

"I said sorry because I picked up a fight with you and I was wrong, I'm sorry for that-" she said, looking at him in a moment. "But that doesn't mean I'm not upset with you about whatever you're doing, wasn't it enough to stay in this caged that now you have put restrictions on me." she said, covering her face back with the book.

"Sona!" he said, grabbing the book away from her and keeping it aside on the table. He holds her both hands and looks at her, "Have I ever stopped you from doing anything you want, I never stopped you from going out, hanging out with your friends, or meeting your father?" he asked, looking at her with a soft look. She was mum at his question, there is no chance to deny it.

"Your wish is the goal of my life, you know I can do anything to bring a smile to your face then how can you think that I don't care about you?" he asked, making her look down. There is nothing to argue against his words, he can bring the whole world down to her feet.

He entwined their fingers, "Nothing is more important to me than you!" he said, kissing their entwined figures. "I love you!" he whispered, looking back at her.

"You know what-" she said, finally looking at him. "You're the best I could ever imagine having but I'm not the one for you-" she said, sighing at him sadly. "You do everything for me and I simply can't even try to understand you, once my mom told me that falling in love is not enough, understanding that person, trusting him, and having faith in him is more important and I-" she pressed her lips and looked down. "I know I'm insane and a piece of shit-" she said, looking at him with a sad smile on her smile.

"Ummm-" he nods at her, pressing his lips. "You're the same missing piece of mine that fixes and fits in me, that completes me-" he said, smiling at her and she chuckled softly. That's what she loves most about him, he never makes her feel low about herself. "And after marrying you I've realized one thing, marriage isn't a cakewalk, it has lots of ups and downs and love, fights, misunderstanding, responsibility and this is all marriage is about. So just because of a merely fight you think that you're not good enough for me then I must tell you that you are wrong, my love!" he said, making her look at him.

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