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"You want some coffee?" Rudra asked, keeping a mug of coffee on the table which was right in front of her in the sitting room of Desai Mansion. Reena was lost in worries for her father. She subconsciously nods at him, she was more concerned about her father's health as the next twelve hours were a bit critical for him according to doctors. That's the only reason Rocky didn't take Reena back to K.G.F, he knew she will get her health only terrible worrying for her father.

"Don't worry, Ree! Uncle will get well soon-" Rudra said, settling on the couch in front of Reena. He could see how stressed she was for her father, daughters are daughters after all. "And yes, resume the story. What happened after Adheera's dead?" he asked, curiously as a few hours back Rudra got to know what all he missed in the last two years since he left for the US.

Reena sighs, smiling at him. "Aren't you too interested in all this bloodshed, like c'mon? You aren't this way-" she says, taking the cup of coffee which she required at the moment.

"But it's too interesting-" he said, with amusing expressions on his face. "I mean how thrilling it sounds! The person who was brought to assassinate Garuda took over the most precious land on the earth, that too overnight-" he said, looking impressed with Rocky as a hell. The person who was unfamiliar to Rudra hours back was tuning into an idol. "Our fathers just kept dreaming and he came from nowhere and snatched it all like anything!" he said, sipping over the coffee.

"Don't get too impressed, you don't even know him properly." she said, knowing how enthusiastic a person her friend is! Tho he is Kamal's younger brother yet both were opposite to each other and both of them never went hand in hand with each other.

"Dude! The person who had the guts to say I love you to Rajendra Desai's only daughter in public is worth getting impressed. I don't remember any guys even eyeing you knowing who you're and what he did is just insane. I'm his fan already!" he said, cackling at her.

She rolled her eyes, "He has killed your brother-" she reminded him. She just wanted to keep Rudra and Rocky away for the moment as she doesn't trust Rocky with anything when it comes to her. She can't forget what he did to John in front of her own eyes, then Shetty, and finally Kamal.

"Didn't he misbehave with you?" he reminded back to his stubborn friend who doesn't want to ratify the fact anyhow.

Reena sighs!

"Aren't you angry about Kamal's dead?" she asked, glancing at him curiously.

"Not really-" he said, without a pang of guilt. "You know even after being siblings we never liked each other and that's the reason I avoided staying here," he told her

"So why you come back suddenly?" she asked curiously.

"After dad, Kamal was his heir and now I'm-" he told her, smilingly. Reena smiled back, she knew it was Rudra's decision not to get involved in the work as long as Kamal is and now his wait was over. But her smile fade away the next moment-

"So you'll look after Varca now-" she asked, getting stunned for a minute. Her innocent and mischievous friend was going to step into the world from where he really can't go back.

He nods, positively!

"Are you sure you're going to handle Varca, the entire empire and everything related to it has taken many lives and you haven't even killed a mosquito in life." she said, smirking at her friend.

He chortle at her statement, "It belongs to my dad so of course, I have to-" he said, keeping back the mug of coffee back on the table. "And your hero is there, he will make teach me. Under his rule, I will also take two-three lives." he says, jokingly.

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