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Next morning

Rocky was in his bedroom, getting ready for the following day wearing formal clothes. He wore his coat when a maid suddenly knocked on the door.

He asked her to come in.

"Sir! Reena ma'am didn't have dinner last night hence I took breakfast for her in the bedroom itself but she got angry." The maid said, looking down.

"Hmm... She denied to eat?" he asked, casually. He knows his girl, she is way too adamant and nobody can handle her except him.

"Yes! But..."

Rocky snapped at the maid, "But what?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. Maid's silence was telling him there is something more, of which he is unaware.

"She broke the glass of juice, like last evening, and mistakenly the broken piece of glass has hurt her barefoot. She is shouting in pain and not letting anyone help her." The maid said, looking down.

"What? You would've informed me this in the first place!" he said, hurriedly making his way out of his bedroom so that he can go and check on Reena.

When he walked into her bedroom, the first thing he saw was blood on the floor and on the bed as well. When his eyes caught her in it, he saw her hissing in pain and still trying to control her tears.

He grabbed Reena's attention when she heard his footstep, she looked at him with tears "Why did you come here? Go! I don't want to see your face." she says, peeking back at her feet.

He sighs.

She is an angry bird.

His angry bird!

He knows her rage, he needs to handle her patiently at a moment. He needs to look after her injury first and then everything else.

"I'll leave but before that let me help you, you're in pain. If you won't let anybody remove the glass piece then it can even get an infection" he spoke out, worriedly looking at her.

"No! Just leave, I don't need your help!" she yells at him. She was in pain, she couldn't think of something else yet seeing him only one thought crossed her mind and that was he has snatched her freedom from her.

He knows now he has to handle her according to his way, she won't even hear a word otherwise and he can't let her suffer in pain anymore.

He starts to walk towards him.

When she saw him coming toward her, she got more furious. She begins looking around and starts throwing pillows at him leaving him unaffected.

He picked up the scarf kept on the couch on the way toward her and then he proceeded towards her. She kept yelling and shouting at him while he climbed up on the bed and tied up her hands back.

"What the hell you're doing?" she yelled, getting scared for a moment. Several thoughts ran into her mind and the most important question was 'What he was up to?'.

"Stop shouting and let me do what I'm doing." he said, getting down from the bed. She finally gave up as the pain she was experiencing was unbearable for her now.

He went, brought a first aid box, and climbed back on the bed next to her, still leaving a comforting space for her between them.

He looked at the glass pierced, blood oozing and cut on her feet. It looked terrible. When he touched her feet lightly, she shrieked in pain.

More tears rolled down her eyes.

"Shh! I'm here, with you! Just a moment, nothing will happen. Trust me!" he said, looking at her. She nods, she didn't know why but she wanted to trust his words.

𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐒 | 𝐊𝐆𝐅Where stories live. Discover now