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Next morning

Reena woke up hearing some sound, she lazily opens her eyes to check but only to realize kids are playing in the lobby and it was their voice.

She hides her face in the pillow wishing to sleep for some more time but then she moved her leg, and she felt some pain.

Oh, yes!

She injured herself last morning!

She remembered.

Everything was okay until she moved her leg and the pain started, she decided to take a warm bath and then wished for something to eat as she was hungry already.

Getting down from the bed carefully and slowly, she managed to walk toward the bathroom, went and took a bath. After taking a bath, she wore a bathrobe and walked outside.

She walked towards the wardrobe and opens it only to find it all empty, the clothes were missing. She opens another one and it was empty too, she angrily shuts the door of the wardrobe and turned around.

"Where the hell my clothes are?" she murmured, angrily within herself. When she was busy murmuring words to herself, a maid walked in with the guards with a wheeled rack filled with traditional clothes.

Guards kept the wheeled rack in one place and they immediately left her bedroom.

"What is this?" Reena asked, looking at the maid.

"Sir has sent this for you, he wishes to see you in these clothes." the maid informed, timidly.

Reena let out a sigh, showing her frustration. She is already frustrated with these things and she cannot handle anything calmly.

"Is your sir mad or what? Can't he understand that I don't like his interference in my life? Take those dresses out, I'm not gonna wear them." she said, angrily looking at the maid.

Maid looks down, not wanting to make Reena further furious. She silently nods, looking down.

"Where are my dresses? Why my wardrobe is empty?" she asked, the maid kept looking down as she was clueless about where her clothes were right now. "Tell me, don't keep quiet!" Reena shouts, getting frustrated this time with the silence.

"I d... Don't know! But I heard sir, he was instructing other maids to take your clothes somewhere." the maid replied, fearing Reena's anger. She still remembers how Reena started firing the gun when she came first time to the mansion.

Reena sighs, angrily.

Again... This Rocky!

God! When she is gonna get out of this hell?

She thought.

"Not at least in this birth, darling" she heard, his voice. She immediately snapped at the entrance of the bedroom and saw Rocky walking toward her.

Followed by him, a few guards brought the wheeled rack again but this time western clothes were hanging there to her surprise.

He is confusing her!

Wait! How he knew what she was shouting in her mind.

Why he took clothes out when he wanted to bring them back to her? To trouble her and irritated her? Why this man loves to tease her, she thought.

Rocky ask all to leave and they did so.

As all left, Reena furiously walked towards him not bothering about her hurt feet, and stood facing him "How dare you touch my wardrobe without my permission?" she asked, sternly. "And how can you order me? Who you're to decide what I'm supposed to wear and what not? What do you think of yourself?" she asked, raising her voice at him.

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