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     As Freddy walked you out of that place he then turned to see the time it was 5:40am he turned to you "oh superstar I was so worried,we all were" he added "but sometimes we are gonna have to say goodbye." He then looked at the time and said "superstar it is almost 6am,and you will get to go home..." you didn't want to go yet even tho what happened you loved Freddy he was like the best friend you never had.

As you all made your ways to the entrance Freddy gave you a warm hug. "Y/N? You have to get out of here and do not come back it will not be safe." He said that "because if you did Roxy would be on the look out for you to hunt you down no mater what. She needed to kill you after what you witnessed. But if she can't find you she can't harm you so you have to stay away from the pizza plex." You looked at him and the gang with teary eyes and said that you didn't want to leave them.

They all pulled you into a hug and you stared to sob uncontrollably. "N-noo I d-don't wanna l-leave you guys *sniff*" you hugged them all but you were to small,so you hugged them all one by one. They then tell you to go outside and go to a security guard to tell them that you got lost. So they don't know you were in the pizza plex. You then cried you didn't wanna go and they all have you a sad smile. "It's alright superstar we will always remember you..."

You then cried and ran out of the pizza plex to try and get the pain of leaving them quick and fast. You then bump into someone. "Oof *falls*" you then look up to apologize but then you see your dad and go straight to hug him. "DADDY!!" You run and jump into his arms and he hugs you back as tightly to. "Ohh N/N we're have you been I have been looking for you!" You then tell him the story of how your mom left you and got lost on the "streets".

As he get up and puts you into the car he is getting mad at your mom on the phone. But stops and said that they were over and splitting up. You look over to daddy as he realizes the cut on your cheek. "Omg! Y/N what happened to your cheek, it looks like you got cut." He goes to touch it but you pull away. "I accidentally fell on some glass and it cut my cheek." He then goes home to check on it to make sure it didn't get infected.

After a couple of weeks he splits up with your mom and has full custody of you. And he and you are going to move to another town. You sit in the front staring out the window and say "I'm gonna miss you Freddy..." your dad lookes over to you and said "what was that Y/N?" You look up and shake your head with a fake smile. "Nothing dad I'm just sad we're moving away is all..." you look out the window and wished you could see Freddy one last time.....

Author: hello I'm so sorry but the chapter ends here but if you would like me to start a story you like you can tell me in the comments. And I sadly have to end it here. 😢 later lovelies!

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