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As you were helping Roxy on her feet and letting you have a 10 second head as it started you ran so fast,it started to feelreal like you where actually running for a life or death situation. But you knew it was just laser tag right? But when you were thinking all of that you suddenly trip and hurt your ankle. "Ow ow ow that's my fault should've been looking where I was going." You then see and look at what you tripped on you see it's a wire that leads somewhere into a vent.

As you where think of staying out of it half of you wanted to see what it was. But when you were wondering what to do Roxy and moon called out "we're gonna fine yoouuuu!" And that made you freak out and crawl into the vent and go in a bit further. As you didn't want to be caught and you were actually kinda scared.

As you kept backing up you had slipped and fell down a hole but before you could you tried to hang on to something you found the wire and held on and screamed for Freddy" FREDDDDYY!" As your screamed echoed through out the play place Freddy had heard it but didn't know where you were. As Freddy was freaking out he ran past a vent.

As he heard you he kneeled down and tried to grab you but he was to big and you were to far back,and he was freaking out by the second and then the. Called for Sun/moon. "Guys get over here now!!!" As everyone gathered were you are you had pleaded for help then they noticed the wire and then they tried to pull you up but then the wire was to slip on the edge so if they pulled you up it would snap as they tried.

As they tried to think of an idea sun had then tried to extend his hand and grab you but you were to far down so they thought maybe if they went to the vent where your at you could drop down and they would have safely caught you. As they thought you were starting to slip and they tried to ask what was at the bottom but you couldn't see. It was to dark and then you tried to smell it smelled like a bathroom.

Author: hello hope y'all been doing well,and hope you enjoyed it I'll make more soon when. Then idea come to my brain. But bye for now.

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