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After you climbed into Freddy's chest you hid in there until Monty passed,but Monty had other plans,"Bear what are you doing next to the plant?" As Freddy was trying to think of an excuse you happen to sneeze in his chest. ACHOOO! Oops you didn't mean to sneeze that loud. "What was that " Monty questioned as that Monty ran towed Freddy and tried to open his plate.

     As Freddy was trying to get Monty off him all you could think of was meat pretzel! But after Freddy had got him off he questions Monty."why did you do that" Monty answered harshly"Freddy! Is there a kid in there!?" As he said that Freddy got quiet for a second, Monty stood there shocked" There is?!" Then after he said that you climbed out of the hatch to to say your sorry but before you could Monty was all over you asking if you were okay.

     After Monty checked you he looked over at Freddy and then went ahead and scold him for his it is unsafe to haves a child in the hatch,and all that. After he was done you had told them that you don't know were your mom is and that you lost her an hour ago and you tried to walk around to see if you could find her ti see if she accidentally walked somewhere else that you weren't in.

     "Ummmm superstar you might have ti wait until 6AM because the mall just closed." But you couldn't stay here until 6 AM what about your dad you thought as you were thinking you heard a security guard call out to see if anyone was here. But why would she if the Monty and Freddy were already doing that? So you thought that was. Suspicion.

     As you thought of that Freddy and Monty had thought the same so you went to go hide behind the plant because you could here her coming your way. And when she approached she looked worried to see Freddy and Monty. She asked" what are you boys doing here hehehe." She chuckled nervously.

Author: hope you enjoyed this I created this at like 2am with the random energy that emerged. But I will make more soon.

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