To the moon and back

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     When you looked up you saw moon on the ceiling watching you before he jumped if he had said"it's passed your bed time" You had began to freak out because you never saw moon and from sunny he seemed to be bad in a way. But you had to do what sunny said and turn on the generators in the play area. You thought that that was ent the safest option but you had to deal with it.

     As you go to flip a generator on you feel something pull at your leg it was moon! " get off me moon please I don't want to hurt you on accident." And with that you had to kick him in Oder to not get you,you felt really bad GeForce having to kick sun/moon. But you had to survive!

     As you go to fine the other ones you see moon flying across the play structure and hear his creepy laugh"Bad children must be punished!!!" And with that you tried your best not to get caught and you also tried to make a lot of distraction. They worked for a bit but after a while moon had gotten into the play structure, but you had to find the last one but in Oder to get it you had to get out of the play structure and go to the other one.

     You had mad a quick dash before moon could grab you and pull you up with him up to the ceiling and you had made it inside the other side of the play structure. As you go to find the generator you try to pull the lever but moon grabs your ankles and try to pull you out but before he could you got the lever just in time.
*switch* you heard it go off.

     After you switch it sun grabs you and dangles you over the ball pit thinking he's going to drop you,but he instead puts you in their room and says" it's seriously passed your bed time." As you think for a moment you say"Wait so your not trying to get me?" "What! No I just tried to get you to bed which is a protocol for me!"

     "But you made all that effort to get me and for what to just put me in bed!?"  "I don't understand but enough of that why are you up so late kid?" You thought for a second and remembered why you were here and then you told moon about what happened and after a bit of telling him you start to tear up.

Author: hello hope your enjoying this so far I'm going to posting another story at 3:00pm Arizona time sorry I've stayed up the whole night is why. 😅

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