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Jungkook groans, storming out of the gym as Taehyung quickly follows him from behind. The older man wants to reach out and hug Jungkook as he knows he's very upset about the gym canceling his membership and kicking him out for inappropriate behavior. The owner wasn't pleased with their fruity 'workout' and even having had a good friendship with Jungkook, didn't let this mistake go easily.

"Jungkook it's not the end of the world, please don't be upset." Taeyhung tries to soothe Jungkook's temper who kept on spitting out cuss after another.

To Tae's surprise, Jungkook turned around and looked angrier than before. "Not the end of the world?" he huffs. " If you weren't as loud we wouldn't be in this situation right now! That gym meant a lot to me!" he shouts in anger.

Taehyung can't believe Jungkook is blaming him for all of this. Not only that but also him referring to Tae having been simply too loud was the reason. He's blaming Taehyung for voicing out how good he made him feel... Jungkook's been the only one to hear Tae's voice like that, the only one he felt comfortable enough to let himself free and enjoy himself. That hurts and is humiliating. He can't help himself but has to shed tears as it hit a sensitive personal topic. "We're both at fault Jungkook it's not just me, okay?!"

The tears and hurt in Tae's eyes made Jungkook snap out of his anger. Touched by his lovers reaction he immediately went to hug him "I'm sorry Tae. I'm just angry and bad at handling negative feelings, I didn't intend on hurting you. I'd never."

"Whatever. Just don't bark at me please you know I'm sensitive...We can talk like normal grown people."

On their way back home they didn't talk, both still a little tense from earlier. Jungkook dropped off Tae, telling him he'd get a few groceries and be back in a few minutes.


Taehyung made himself comfortable on the bed and took a book to read. His body hurt from the workout and the fight also took a toll on him so he needs a little alone time to calm down until Jungkook is back home from shopping.

A few chapters into his lecture, he heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Tae...Do you need time for yourself or can I come in?" Jungkooks voice is soft and tender, cautious to not make any wrong move after already having upset his lover.

Taehyung can't help himself but smiles, Jungkook is just too cute to be angry about him for too long. "Sure, come in." he invites him inside, his eyes still kept down into the book to not make the impression of having apologized that easily yet. Not too long after, koos steps got closer. Looking up, he met eyes with Jungkooks big black ones glimmering in the dim light.

"Here. I promised you something if you'd come work out with me. Uhmm...I didn't have time to make something myself but I got you your favorite strawberry shortcake." a small box sneaked in between him and his book, the giving one still super careful. "I'll just shower and let you read your book then.." Jungkook gave him a sly smile as he walked off into the bathroom.

The teacher opened the box and as promised there was a piece of his favorite strawberry shortcake, a wooden fork next to it ready to be eaten. Jungkook must have driven all the way to the other end of the city just to get this for him. A sudden wave of guilt hit him. He felt stupid for having been a crybaby and for that stupid fight for an even more stupid reason. He didn't even think of Jungkook's feelings and that the gym has been a safe space for the younger to escape from reality and be able to vent.

Just as he dug in to get a bite from the cake, Jungkook was back from his shower, standing next to Tae as he bent down to get some underwear from the nightstand. Naked. Taehyung choked on the cake, stopping everything he's been doing as his lungs were fighting for air and his brain was fighting for sanity. After all, Jungkooks naked athletic body never left Tae's mind functioning as it should, leaving him speechless in an instant.

The way he's ogling does not go unnoticed, as the younger one starts smiling back softly. He can tell Tae's eyes are on his ass. "What caught you so off guard babe? You ok?" he teased.

"Uh...Cake.." Taehyung answered, immediately feeling dumb the way he said it.

"Oh? The cake that good hyungie?" the tattooist chuckled.

Taehyung hummed, taking another bite as if he wanted to prove he's definitely not talking about Jungkook's ass but the delicious piece of pastry in front of him.

"I'm glad you like it." Jungkook watched him take another bite, loving to see his love enjoying some food. He's always been extremely soft for people who enjoy food and loves watching them, especially if it's Taehyung being happy. "I do, thank you for getting it for me." his signature boxy smile glowed in the darkened room.

A little moment of silence as both just simply look at each other adoringly.

"I'm sorry." both say out in sync followed by a flood of laughs and giggles. "C'mere Koo, let's just move on from it." he patted the duvet next to him, inviting bunny into the bed. Of course he doesn't have to ask twice, the ravenette immediately jumps into bed and cuddles himself into his hyungs side.

After taking in the moment for a while and enjoying his hyungs scent and body warmth against him, he sneaked one hand underneath Tae's shirt and started caressing his soft tummy. "Hyung, I love how soft your tummy has gotten. It's cute." he gently circled his fingers around the belly button and played around with the hairs that are forming his happy trail.

Taehyung gasps "Don't you dare to say that koo!" he laughs.

"But... It's cute. Just even more to love about you babe" koo pouts. He scoots down to lift tae's shirt and kisses the belly. "I love you~" jk humms and keeps kissing around the belly button.

"Yah! You make it sound like I'm pregnant..." taehyung snorts. Jungkook's silly.

The mood is cheerful and they're back at ease. This is the moment Jungkook looks at Tae, smiling and giggling while his head is resting on the other's belly that they've reached the ultimate connection in their relationship. Of course it was love at first sight and very intense from the very beginning. But just now the feeling of proximity and comfort funny enough set a new milestone for Jungkook, even after their little fight from earlier. Tae is the love of his life. He knows, never ever will he be able to feel like this towards anyone but Taehyung. He gave away his heart to his man.

Taehyung curses mentally at himself for getting hard in a cozy moment like this. Why does his body always have to respond this intense whenever that handsome tattooist would touch him. "Jungkook...not there..." he huffs, his breathing already getting heavier from rising arousal as Jungkook started to slide his hand further south every stroke he did, getting dangerously close to his dick.

Jungkook on the other hand for once didn't imply on getting frisky again, he just happened to get lost in playing around with the others body hairs as he followed the trail down into the pants. "Huh?" He looked up to Tae. His face was flushed and he was gnawing on his lips. "Uhm...It's just...I get hard from bellyrubs.." a groan of shame followed.

"Is that a problem?" big puppy eyes look up, his hand still stroking.

"No. But I don't want to ruin this cute moment cuddling together...." the brunette caresses Jungkook's damp locks, scratching his scalp every now and then just the way he knows the younger one likes.

Jungkook then gets up from his position, scooting closer to Tae to look into his pretty eyes. "Why would it ruin it?" a pout forming as he questions his comment. "I mean..." he points down his own dick–he's hard as well. "me too.." he giggled and kissed those red lips, now swollen from the nervous biting.

"It's fine hyung, let's just relax after today's events and just do what feels right. Okay?" he kept on kissing, cuddling his body even closer.

Both enjoy the intimacy. They're touching, teasing and kissing but no need to chase after a sexual release. It's still arousing and erotic but both wanna swim in this moment for as long as possible and a climax would just break off this moment prematurely. None of them want that for now.

Just like that, they kept cuddling and touching for as long as their bodies would let them, until both eventually drift into deep, much needed slumber.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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