This is all I wanted from you dad...

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{New message: HungHyung💦 sent you a text message.}

HungHyung💦: Hey Bunny, how was your meeting with your parents last night?


HungHyung💦: Just text me when you're awake babe, love you!


Even after few hours later, still no response from Jungkook. Taehyung got really worried and didn't know what to do so he called up his mom for some advice.

{incoming call: TaeTae is calling you.}

Eun-Ji: „Tae! Hello dear, how are you doing?" His mom was positively surprised to get a call from her son.

Tae: „Hey mom, I'm are you and dad?"

Eun-Ji: „We're doing well honey, thank you. Fine? *sigh" I can tell somethings off TaeTae...what's the matter?"

Tae: „ know me too well mom... I just don't know what to do mom and it's about Kook...To cut it really short, he has a bad relationship with his parents. They basically don't accept him for every single thing that just make him..him. You know?"

Eun-Ji: „Oh honey.....I'm sorry. It's always sad to hear when parents and children don't get along. Did he tell you more? Did he maybe do something that led his parents to shut off?"

Tae: „Well...I'd say nothing actively. He just told me that they would forbid him to do things like not going out with friends, having to dress and act a certain way and when he moved out he started to break free from their rules. According to his parents acting rude and disrespecting their work of parenting or some bs like that. But the part of himself outing as gay made everything catch a wildfire.....I'm almost scared to voice it out but it almost sounds like they hate him for the way he is..."

Eun-Ji: „Wow...that's a lot." She sighed heavily. After a minute of silence on the phone she continued „Even if it sounds crazy Tae, I think they do this because they actually do care for him. I think they want him to live a life of fulfillment. But because their way of thinking is very narrow, they think the only way to personal success is by having a traditional and old fashioned type of lifestyle, which they have but Kookie obviously doesn't want and fit into. And that is completely ok, they have to understand that. They have to understand that Jungkook indeed is very successful! Taehyungie he's such an incredibly talented artist, he has built his own business at the age of 26! That's huge! He's a gentle and loving boy, he has nice friends, has bought a nice car and the most important part, he has someone in his life that loves and deeply cares for him for the way he is. If I would be his mom, I'd be very happy and proud having a son like him. You know why? Because I know how it feels like having someone like him as a son, it's you Taehyungie."

His mothers words made the young man cry. She probably was right, he never thought about it that way around. But also he wished so much that Kook would hear the same wonderful words from his own mom, it means the world to him what his mom said about Jungkook and himself.

Tae: „I've never seen it that way, thanks mom. I wish I could help him but don't know how, I feel so small and helpless..Also, he had a huge fight with them and met them last night to talk about it. He doesn't answer my texts from today asking him on how it went. I'm worried something bad happened..."

Eun-Ji: „I know it feels shit....The only thing you can do Tae is to be by his side whenever he needs you. Act as his backbone. If he retreats, he most likely wants some time to collect himself. He's an introvert right? But if he's seeking your closeness, be there. Alright honey? I'm sure you're already doing great..." a gentle smile is audible by the way she ended the sentence.

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