sorry hyung...

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The next day

{New message: ChimChim 🐶 sent you a text message.}

ChimChim 🐶: Taehyungie, how are you?

I can keep Tannie for a while if you need some time for yourself...

Taeyhungs eyes hurt. They're swollen and irritated from constantly wiping off tears.

Jungkook still didn't respond to his texts. He wasn't particularly hurt that he left, he new he was clingy and had slight separation anxiety and new that he had to leave his partners some air to breathe. It was more so that he was genuinely concerned about his well being.

{New message: TaeTae 🐯 sent you a text message.}

TaeTae 🐯: That would be nice, thanks chim, love you

ChimChim 🐶: Tae, don't think too much of it, I'm sure there's a reason why Jungkook doesn't answer...luv you too honey


He decided that some fresh air would be nice, so he packed some drawing stuff and went to a nearby park to air out his head.

Did he put too much pressure on the boy? What did he do wrong....his mind was filled with questions, but no answer in sight.

He sat down on a bench and got his pencils ready, doing some quick dynamic sketches of the people passing by. His mind shut off as he was diving deep into his own world, where no one can touch him, where he can be on his own in peace. Being alone is a safe and carefree place. Taehyung was hurt a few times in his life and he never let anyone near him since, he should've stayed loyal to that.

A soft breeze is tickling through his hair and he could swear he just smelt Jungkooks angelic cottony fragrance. The wind softly caressing his hair felt just like when Jungkook ran his fingers through it.

A tear fell victim to gravity and splashed onto his sketch.

He didn't feel like drawing anymore and went home, laying down on his lounge. Mentally exhausted he quickly drifted into sleep.


*Ding dong*

Startled by the door bell he jumped up right out of his sleep and walked up to answer the door, body on autopilot.

„Jimin, did you and Tannie not get along anymore—" he opened the door.


Both stood at the door, looking at each other.

„I'm sorry hyung...can we talk please?" Jungkooks voice is hoarse.

Taehyung nods, letting him in.

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