"Sell me." Valentina couldn't believe this she knew that everyone hated her mother and she was beginning to understand why.

Mario nodded he knew she wasn't going to like hearing it but it was her history. "Either to your dad or as the only daughter to Valentino Romano. "


Elena was reading over the contract with Grace. She wanted to make sure there were no loopholes or nothing. "Are you sure that this is going to work?"

Damien came and sat down across from the girls gestering to the contract. He knew that it was finally time for everything to happen.  "May I?"

She handed him the contract she knew he would want to read it before she gave it to Val. "Make it quick."

"You've thought this through." He nodded looking at it he knew that she had wanted Val back for some time this way Val would be fine.

"Fair and square." Elena was always supposed to have a daughter and she wouldn't let this one slip through her fingers not this time. And she knew that Val deserved the chance to have both sides of her family. "No loops no tricks they share her evenly."

Damien set the contract in front of her looking up at her he knew she probably didn't want to share her. "And you're ok with this."

"I have to be." She knew that she was going to have to compromise now that she was older.

"Alessia's not." He knew his wife was not going to be happy with this.

Grace chuckled they didn't really care what Alessia did and didn't like it was happening. "Like anyone cares what she thinks."

Elean nodded she didn't care if Alessia didn't like it she got no sa in this. "We get that is your wife and you can't say anything wrong about her but her and her sister ruined my life. I don't care what she thinks and given the chance i would say it to her face. No one cares about this bitch."

"And how productive would that be?" Damien knew that Alessia and Elena didn't get along but they were going to have to learn to be civil if they wanted this to work.

"Don't talk to me about productive." She had waited long enough to do this it was happening whether they were all on the same team or not. "I honestly could care less about her feelings but you do which is the only reason she hasn't seen me yet."

"So what is your plan." Damien knew Elena always had a plan and a backup plan up her sleeve. 

"Yeah care to share you've hidden details since the beginning." Grace knew there was more to the story she was just not sure how much more.

"Fine moment of truth i killed Alyssa." But she knew everyone knew that part but there was more to it.

"We knew that." Grace knew that her best friend was going to make sure the woman suffered for everything she had done to her. 

Damien nodded even the kids knew she had been behind it."Kids figured it out." 

"I wasn't done." She had planned this out so that everything would line up together and their would be no mistakes. "My husband told me that Valentina was alive he's never lied to me i didn't think he would start. So i looked into it and found tracks i followed and eventually found Alyssa and Valentina. I got ahold of her police record and she's definitely his child. I hired someone to take her out. I knew that Valentina knew how to contact your wife. And that if she came back she would bring Valentina with her. I contacted the DNA office and told them when one side requested it send it to the other side. One of them would mess up and her other brothers would swoop in. The school was so scared that they called me every time something happened. When she got jumped when she got into the fight skipping classes they called me for it all. I've had more calls for her than for my own son."

"Does that really surprise you?" Damien knew that Valentina was a mix of all her siblings and that just made her worse. 

Elena shook her head she just hadn't expected it to get that bad that fast."I knew that she had her father's temper and her mother's anger problems i didn't expect it to be that bad that fast though."


Valentina was sitting in her bed getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

Mariano opened the door since they had the day off a school he thought it would be a good idea to visit their aunt.  "Since you guys don't have school tomorrow were going to visit Aunt Alessia."


"You ok?" He knew this was all a big change for her.

She didn't know when she would be ok whenever she could figure out what had happened she guessed."Define ok. I just want to go to sleep."


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