v. Wine

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THE CAR RIDE was utterly silent, Bee sitting in the front seat with her forehead on the window, occasionally sniffing her nose, a reminder of the event that happened not even fifteen minutes before. Yoongi didn't bother turning on the radio, his mind in too much of deep thought to even remember. He was full of confusion, but mostly concern for the girl sitting beside him in the passenger's seat. He would occasionally take glances her way to make sure she was okay, but Bee would notice every time, and was starting to get antsy.

"Can we just forget what happened?" she spoke up in a low voice, completely grasping Yoongi's attention. He glanced at her, noticing the way she fumbled with her hands, burying them in under her thighs.

"Why?" he asked softly, turning back to the road as they neared their apartment building. "There's nothing wrong with what happened, Bee."

Bee licked her lips, pursing her lips in order to keep herself from crying once more. "Yeah, but—I—fuck," she shut her eyes. It was silent again.

They stopped at a red light. Yoongi fixed his face mask over his nose, rubbing at it at the same time. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed answers, and even if his hypothesis was maybe out of the ballpark, it was worth a shot. He didn't want to be left in the dark anymore.

"You're her, aren't you?" his deep voice made Bee's eyes slowly open, as if she expected the question. As if it was only a matter of time before he asked that question. "Belle?"

Her nostrils flared, and she looked out of the window again. "I used to be."

The light turned green. Yoongi left it at that, and kept driving.

"Did you know spring's coming late this year?" he asked in a normal voice, as if it were a casual conversation.

"Really?" Bee asked, her voice borderline monotonous.

"Yeah, so it's going to keep being cold, so I don't know if the flowers are going to bloom yet."

"That means my allergies are delayed too."

"The flowers during the spring are beautiful, though," he said. "I don't go out a lot, so I don't really see them that much. Do you?"

Bee pondered. "No," she said.


The two entered Yoongi's apartment, almost mirroring the night before. He found it crazy how they ended up going back to his house anyways, possibly to give some of his alcohol to Bee again. This night was complicated to begin with, so why not complicate it more?

"I have wine, if you want some," Yoongi said as he made his way to the kitchen. Bee was following loosely behind, her hands in her pockets as she shyly looked up.

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