i. Intro

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


IT WAS EXHAUSTING for Min Yoongi sometimes. Whether it was endless photoshoots or meetings that tediously dragged on for hours, the constant weight of the world on the idol's frail shoulders would deem tiring; as it would, after nearly a decade of being in the industry. He could never be ungrateful, however. He had the chance to see the world, even if he would spend most of that time behind the walls of his comfortable hotel rooms past midnight, fasting through the night to appear nicely in photographs that will one day pose no meaning.

Sometimes, he wondered what it was all for. Would there be an end to all of this? Would there come a day when the name, 'SUGA', would be unrecognizable to the public's perked ears? Just as grand as his shadow had grown, he pondered, would it ever shrink just as vastly?

It was a cold night when he met her. For some reason, the usually dynamic weather in Seoul was still acting as if it were winter, even if it was well into March. Yoongi's cold fingers tapped on the wheel of his black Hyundai, his eyes tired as he tried to focus on the road in front of him. The man in the passenger seat wasn't helping with keeping him awake; as Namjoon always tended to glue himself to his phone after a long day of work. The car was utterly silent, Yoongi too lazy to switch on the radio, even if it was within arms reach. Sometimes a chuckle would fall from the younger man's lips at something he'd seen on his glowing phone screen.

This was the cycle. Wake up, drive to work, shroud himself in his studio, attend a few meetings, then drive back home to eat and sleep. That's how life worked off tour, full of workdays and company meetings without an end. Sometimes producing a few new songs if inspiration ran through, but otherwise, life was bleak. Yoongi would never admit this, however, at least, not to anyone he knows.

A chuckle from Namjoon's lips made Yoongi blink awake. "Jimin said he went into Jungkook's studio to grab that jacket he left, and he hit him."

Yoongi sniffed. "What?"

"Jimin said he went into Jungkook's studio to grab that jacket he left, and Jungkook hit him."


"Probably got scared," Namjoon ran a hand through his hair, a single laugh falling from his mouth before he continued whatever he was doing on his phone. Yoongi breathed through his nose, faking a chuckle out of near pity. It wasn't funny, but he thought not laughing would make Namjoon feel bad.

Yoongi driving with Namjoon wasn't rare, considering the latter couldn't drive and constantly needed a ride back to his apartment. Yoongi, often not minding the company, suddenly wanted to be alone. It might have been the exhaustion, but he was itching to get home and away from everyone he knows, to coop up in his room in the darkness and stare at the ceiling.

The silence returned. Yoongi's stomach grumbled, and he checked the time. 9:32. 

"Hey, I'm going to stop by CU to get dinner. You want something?" Yoongi offered, carefully switching lanes to stop on the side of the road. The convenience store was in sight, the luminescent white and green lights distinctive.

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