Chpater 7

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I woke in a panic to the thundering of feet going up and down my hall. Someone was pounding on my door so hard it was rattling in its hinges. I leapt from my bed and yanked it open breathing hard worried something tragic had happened. Instead I came face to face with Warren and an eager Ace who was standing behind him practically bouncing in place. My mood darkened when I realized it was just boys being boys.

"Wakey, Wakey Casey. We've got a long day of school ahead of us." Warren smirked and handed me my uniform that I had left downstairs in the kitchen. I took them with a grunt and rolled my eyes as the two boys raced downstairs shoving each other out of the way. Like every morning it was always a race to breakfast before the boys ate it all. I groaned and slammed my door shut while I began to change. I groaned as I pulled on the short grey and blue plaid skirt and the tight white blouse. I was definitely glad I never had to wear this while I was there and I really didn't want to be wearing it now. I shuffled downstairs reluctantly and into the kitchen where everyone was arguing over what blood they wanted. I sighed and started to make a bagel with an unhealthy amount of butter on it. Vampires cannot eat human food, it takes years of practice to build up a tolerance for it. However, since I'm part wolf most vampire logic doesn't apply for me including what I am able to eat.

I ate my food and waited for the others to stop bickering enough that we could start leaving. I zoned out in minutes wondering how this day would go. I was so out of it that I didn't hear anyone call my name and only when Tait snapped his fingers in my face was I brought back from la la land. I pulled on his sleeve and leaned against him like a small toddler throwing a tantrum. "Must we go??"

"I'll drive you so you can have more time to sleep. I promise it won't be bad" He laughed ruffling my hair. I nodded and slid out of my seat and headed to the front door. I carefully got into his passenger seat still stiff from the bite. I re situated multiple times till I found the most comfortable spot and drifted off asleep. I was soon jostled awake as Tait jerked the car to a stop in a spot. I looked around confused to see a large familiar brick building towering up in front of me. I mumbled how much I hated my life under my breath as I got out of the car. The school appeared unchanged since I had seen it a year ago. I slammed the car door angrily getting a bunch of curious onlookers in the process. With a pissed off look on my face I marched up to the front offices.

The lady at the front desk gave me a sympathetic look thinking I was miserable for having to transfer in the middle of my senior year. She kindly handed me a map of the school and told me if the day go too much to stop in and that I could just sit down and talk to her if I needed. I smiled and thanked her kindly, I was definitely going to be doing that just so I can get out of class. I looked down at the map, as if I would need it at all. I studied my schedule as I walked down the halls not paying attention to any of the people staring and whispering. After figuring out my first block was literature I looked up to get my bearings and noticed that the halls became dead silent. All eyes were focused on me, people had stopped mid conversation to gawk at me like I'm some sort of freak.

"You lost sweet heart?" A cocky voice asked from behind me. I turned around slowly not in the mood to be hit on. He was so close my nose was brushing his chest as he towered over me. He stared down at me, well aware that he was this close so he could peak down my shirt easier. Eric Helms the high school quarter back winked at me after finally looking up from my chest.

"No." I turned to leave and he grabbed my wrist roughly pulling me back. I turned back to him and raised an eyebrow at his hands on me. "I'm sorry did I stutter? I said I wasn't lost I didn't realize that was an invitation for you to put your hands on me."

"Listen here sweet heart I don't like the tone of your voice and I wasn't done talking to you" He smirked pulling me closer and leaned down so he was inches from my face. He smelt of cheap aftershave and cigarettes and I refrained from gagging.

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