Chapter 4

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Marie jostled me awake gently. I groaned and opened my eyes, the room was still dark and no light was coming in through the windows.

"What's going on? Why is it still dark outside?" I was super groggy and confused.

"Come on sleepy head we need to leave soon. I was told to help you get dressed." She held up a dress and heels for me.

"It's still night time...I don't wanna" I mumbled and hide my face in the pillow.

"It's the morning, we need to leave before day break so wakey wakey!"

"But my stitches, Tait still has to take them out." I pulled the blanket back looking at them. Tait walked in and peaked over the back of the couch. He touched them gingerly and shook his head.

"I'll have to leave them in until we get there, it needs to heal just a bit more. Get dressed and stay here, Marie kindly packed your bags for you already. You can nap in the car in the way up there." I nodded gently, he smiled softly down at me before leaving. Marie helped me change into a simple tight white dress that was open in the back.

"Why do I have to wear a dress?" I groaned and pulled at the dress.

"The vampire coven down there are very elegant. They don't want us coming down and dealing with them in jeans and a hoodie. They would rather have us in formal attire. I have a pair of blue wedges for you, I know how difficult it can be for you to walk in normal heels."

"Why thank you for looking out for me." I mumbled and slipped them on.

"Okay sleeping beauty look at me I need to do your makeup." I pouted and looked up anyway. There was no getting out of doing what she wants. She may be happy go lucky but she is scary as hell when mad.

"Just don't make me look like a clown." I teased.

"Oh, ye of little faith!" She giggled. She finished my makeup quickly and assisted me into a standing position. She supported me to the car where I laid out on the back seat. Marie helped put the bags in the back of the trunk after I was settled. "Don't worry not everything I packed is girly, I put some of your normal clothes in there."

"Thank you" She smiled softly and eased into the seat next to me. She had a very thin layer of makeup on that caught me off guard. Her natural beauty never called for her to wear it before. Her mint green dress contrasted her hair perfectly. She had just shrugged on a white jacket when Katie came sulking out of the house. She threw her bags in the trunk and shot me a deadly look gesturing at her outfit. Her dark purple dress was held up with thin straps, she too wore a thin layer of makeup. I chuckled and shot her a look that told her I felt the same way about mine.

"You're not riding on your bike? I figured you would" She slid into the front seat of the same car as Marie and I.

"Can't Tait wants me to rest, he has to take the stitches out just before we arrive." I pulled the hem of my dress up to show my new healing scar.

"Damn, that looks painful." I nodded and touched it tenderly. Marie carefully brushed my hair out while I laid my head down on her lap. Through the open car door, I watched Tait hitch a trailer to the back of his car and rolled my motorcycle onto the bed. I mouthed a thank you to him and he nodded in response. Everyone else came out and piled into the other cars. The sun still hadn't even started to rise as we drove through the dark. I closed my eyes and tried to relax and sleep, sleeping allowed us to heal faster which was a nice plus. I was jostled awake a few hours later when we hit a bump. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. We had just started to pull into the driveway of the southern Coven. The sun was just beginning to peak through the trees.

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