Chapter 23

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I soooo did not want to go to this court case but if it meant I didn't have to deal with Haden all any more all the better. Robin met me at the building with her big stack of case files to help prove Haden was in the wrong and that The Vampires could keep their share of the land. The long hours of stating out point to the council ended up seeming pointless when Haden sat in his chair staring blanking a head not listening to any thing or standing up for his cause.

We held a small receses and I was pissed. I was expecting a fight, an argument but not him to just hand me the win.

"Haden can I talk to you?" I asked appearing behind him. He shrugged and followed me to a private hall way.

"What can I do for you Casey?" HE sounded monotone and like he could give a rats ass what I had to say.

"What has gotten into you? I mean why aren't you fighting for your land like you wanted!"

"I thought you wanted the vampires to keep their land. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I expected at least an argument! Not to have it handed to me on a silver platter!"

"Then what do you want Casey!? Huh?! What is it? Yopu wanted to hate me! So I let you hate me, Then when you wanted to get serious I didn't get serious enough! I'm sick of trying to guess what you want! I'm tired of guessing your next move. Just tell me what it is you want!" He looked at me with pleading eyes. I was at a lost for words. What is it that I wanted?

"I..I don't know...."

"Fine then I'm done with playing your little games Casey" HE shook his head looking defeated. He started to walk away and I panicked. I didn't want to loose him no matter how much he had hurt me in the past.

"Wait! Please!" He turned to look at me and I couldn't help but notice the small flicker of hope flash in his eyes. "What I you to chase after me...I never realized it till now...till I have almost lost you but I....I..."

"Spit it out Casey...Say it please I need to hear you say it"

"I love you Haden no matter how much you broke my heart I can't dyne  how much I am in love with you. I realized it when I woke up in your arms....when You held me crying when you thought you lost me. I just tried to ignore it. I didn't want to believe I was actually falling in love with the man that made me the girl I am today...I love you Haden and I'm scared to loose you..." I was shocked by my own words I couldn't believe what had just came out of my mouth or that I truly meant every word.

He looked at me with steady eyes, he walked up to me looking down at my face. He was so close I could smell his cologne or sense his pulse beating rapidly in his neck. I licked my lips and looked at him nervously.

HE could walk away this second...this very second and I would loose it....I broke him.

"I'm so sorry Haden..."

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love Tait?"


"Please just tell me do you love him...If so I will walk away this second and you will never have to deal with me again I swear. Anything to make you happy"

"YEs I love him....But not the way I love you Haden...Your all I think about and I was  bitch for the way I treated you" "I was an ass for being so mean to you all those years ago. If I hadn't been an jerk I wouldn't be standing here now fighting to win your heart back." He tucked a loose stand of hair behind my ears.

"You already won my heart back." I looked up at him holding his wrist. I leaned in against him hugging him and for the first time cried infront of him. HE smoothed down my hair kissing my head.

"God I've dreamed of hearing you say that for a long time..." He held me tightly and smiled.

"Haden...I want to be yours forever. I want to except you as my mate.." He smiled and nodded.

"It will only hurt for a second. The bite it will be quick." I nodded and leaned my head back feeling his lips on my neck. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before he bit into my skin. I gasped when his teeth pierced my neck my vision going white. I could only sense him nothing world went black.


I woke on a bed my head on a warm surface that had a soothing rhythmic beating sound. I groaned my eyes opening slowly to see a strange room. I looked up to see a sound asleep Haden. I sat up rubbing my head still in my old clothes. Tait was in a chair beside the bed. He stirred as I sat up.

"What happened?"

"You passed out fro the pain from Haden biting you...congrates you two are finally mates. The case was settled. Haden felt horrible for putting you in so much pain that He said he revokes his intentions of taking the land back. Everything is back to normal....everyone is back at our house. You and Haden are officially together. I just wanted to say I'm happy for you"

"Aw Tait thank you... and I'm Sorry about you know.."

"Don't be you belong with him, he's you mate you two belong together, Your wolf that's your main blood line not vampire. I'm jut glad I was able to save you when I had the chance" I threw my arms around his neck hugging him.

"God Tait  Your so good to me!" he hugged me back smiling.

"Just be happy with him, try not to fight with him...and if he hurts you..."

"One I will always fight with this goof and two I'll came to you if he hurts me"

"Casey...I would never dream of hurting you again..." Haden mumbled lightly never opening his eyes his arm rubbing my back taking my hand and kissing it lightly. I smiled looking at him. Tait kissed my head and left pausing at the door.

"Your always welcome to come back home whenever you would like Casey"

"Thank you but I think for the first time in a long time I'm finally in love with the perfect man and I'm finally happy..."

I looked at Haden who smiled at me and kissed me gently.

I finally was happy and I wasn't angry and upset with him anymore. I was finally in love with the man I was waiting for.


(4 Years later)

I stood next to the man that made hate him for years on end, but finally made me fall head over heels in love. No matter how much we fight or argue I could never walk away from this man again. In front of me stood Haden Havens.

MY name was Casey Carters, I was a broken girl that ran away from home from being abused and made fun of at school. With zero idea I was a werewolf. I was nearly killed when hit by a car and left for dead. A man  Named Tait Evans found me and turned me into a vampire to save my life. I found my mate who was the one in the same man that ruined my life making me want to run away. I fought him, argued with him and eventually fell in love. My name was Casey Carters. I am now to this day Casey Havens. And I am the girl that is both wolf and vampire. HE made me who I am today and to this day I am thankful... I now stand in a meadow, ready to help lead a blood thirst pack of vampires that now stand hand to hand with a ground a wolves.

I stand facing this enemy that wants to take down our pack and take over our land. But if I have a say in anything this fight is far from over...

...To Be continued...

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