Chapter 16

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I rode home early on my bike. I held my helmet in my hand as I walked up the drive. My eyes fixed on the ground, deep in thought as I have been for the last couple of days. I was so caught up in my head that I smacked into someone really hard that it caused me to stumble back and fall flat on my butt.

"Ouchy," I scrunched up my nose and rubbed my tail bone. I looked back up to see a hand in my face offering me back onto my feet. I took it nimbly and was yanked up and Into a big bear hug. All the air was being squeezed out of my lungs as their arms held my tightly, squishing my to the hard chest. "Can't breath.."

The arms loosened, I began gasping for air as I rubbed y now bruised ribs. Looking up I smiled and immediately hugged them again. "Warren!!"

"Hey girlie! Tait sent us word on your location and condition. You know you can't get rid of us silly!" He chuckled making his chest rumble with the sound. I pulled back realization dawning on me.

"Wait if you're here then that means..." I looked around frantically looking for Ace and the girls. Now matter what I said I missed them so much. I don't know what I was thinking when I tried to run away from them.  As I suspected Marie and Katie stepped out of the red mustang that was parked in the drive. I grinned like an idiot as I ran to them, wrapping my arms around both of them. "I Missed you guys so much!"

"What have we missed?" Marie babbled.

"Well Tait accidentally shot me in the stomach, I fell and had to get stiches in my arm. I had made out with Tait in front of Haden and felt his heart break. Ummmm. Haden kissed me in Art class today and I think I may be falling for him, but he's flirting with every girl in the school at the same time." I studied their reactions as they processed everything I said. I had left out the parts where I wasn't sleeping well and I wasn't eating. They would freak bout the not eating. I hadn't eaten in two day and when I tried to eat it just felt weird. I also decided not to tell them about the wolf thing, that would not go over well.

"Aw it was only a matter of time before you fell for Haden. That's so sweet!" I rolled my eyes and tossed Katie my helmet.

"I'm going for a run, catch you guys later." I turned and jogged into the woods. Maybe a short little run would clear my mind. I need to stretch my side any way and maybe work on not getting shoot on this run.

Trees past in a blur of green, browns and some yellows. I slowed to a walk where I crossed a small wooden bridge that lead me over a small babbling creek.. I was finally on a wooden walk way that would lead me straight into the meadow.

I finally arrived to a meadow where lavender, violets, lilies, daises and any flower you could think of grew wild. I walked into the clearing smiling at the memories of me just running out here with a book and wasting away the day by laying in the warming sun and reading. I lifted my face to the sun and spread my arms out. It was truly a peaceful moment until I was blind sided and tackled to the ground.

My head cracked against a rock. Blood ran down from my temple to my chin. My hand shot up to the wound making me wince when I touched it. I saw a large black wolf immediately perk its eras up and whimper when seeing the blood. Haden walked over slowly looking at me concerned. I turned away from him not wanting to look at him. He came and nudged me with his nose blowing out a breath through his nose sending strand of my hair flying. He nudged me again, I looked up at him in time for him to lick my cheek.

"EW! That's seriously gross!" I scrunched my nose up and wiped the side of my face. He rested his head on top of mine and wrapped his paw around my back pulling my to him. My face was mushed into his furry chest, unconsciously I knotted my fingers in his silky fur. Minutes ticked by, when he soon shifted into his human form. He lifted me onto his lap and cradled me to his chest.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." His voice croaked causing me to look up at him. His eyes where filled with concern, I placed my hand on the side of his face feeling the small tingles of his touch. He leaned into my hand closing his eyes. I don't know how long we sat like that with me biting my lip and staring at his smooth still face. I was having an internal battle with myself. I was tempted to ruin the moment by pulling away, but part of me said just hell with it kiss him. Let him know you care let him know you love him.

His eyes opened and stared intensively at me. His eyes focused on my lips. He leaned forward slowly, My eyes automatically closing by themselves. His breath bounced off my face and danced along my lips, We where inches from each other one more inch and we would be kissing. I chewed on my lip scared, I moved forward ever so slowly...


MWHAHA major cliffhanger does she kiss in or does she back out?! Yes this chapter is really short but its a bay chapter with a major cliff hanger leaving you on the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen!! I just had to do that! On the side is the bridge to the meadow pretty right!?

Tell me what you think will happen and maybe the one with the most votes will be the ending.

Will she kiss him or back out?

Vote and comment!

Kiss of Fate {watty awards 2013}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ