Chapter 3

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I stayed locked in my room for the rest of the night ignoring all my friends who tried to pull me out of my slump. I yelled at them every time and threw the nearest object until they finally stopped coming up. I had moved from my floor to the large overstuffed Victorian chair in front of my huge windows. I clenched a pillow tightly to my chest as I watched the rain run down the window panels. I thought it was ironic that the weather matched my mood perfectly. The day was coming to a close and I still hadn't moved. I watched the last of the daylight that was peeking through the clouds sink low behind the tree line. I heard my door open and a beam of light spread across my room from the hallway. I glanced over in time to see all my puppies come racing through the door. They were barking and climbing all over one another to fight for my attention.

I giggled excitedly as they tried to climb up on my lap. I set my pillow on the floor to allow for more space. I had a husky named Zeus, a German Shephard named Loki, a black lab named Nixie, a Saint Bernard named Sadie and a Great Dane named Muttsy. Tait walked in a few seconds later and leaned against the door frame.

"I thought they would be the ones to make you feel better." He smiled gently at me while I stroked their fur. "Casey, listen we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk about him, so please just stop right there-." He cut me off before I could even finish.

"Would you just shut up and listen for once. I'm here to talk about the treaty problems with the neighboring wolf pack." I looked up from my precious babies to face him. He just spiked my curiosity, I hadn't heard of any treaty problems. It's been in effect for years with no issue and to hear that there is one now makes it very interesting.

"I'm all ears. What's going on?" He chuckled at my sudden interest and flicked on the lights before taking a seat across from me.

"Tomorrow morning, we are heading back to the Deep Oaks district. I know it's going to be awkward heading back home and especially since it's your old pack. We wouldn't have asked this of you if you didn't know the area so well. So please just come with us and help us with the investigation." I frowned and down at the dogs. Earlier today I had crossed into their territory, judging by where I had crossed I was only a couple miles from the actual town. That was the closest I had ever come to going back. I sure as hell didn't want to walk straight into my old town. Especially since they appear to be on a massive man hunt for me.

"Tait, I don't know...I don't think I can do this...Can't you use someone else?" I pleaded. It was all so stressful and I could feel it pressing on me from all sides.

"No honey, I'm sorry but you're our best bet. The Vampires down there have been living in peace with them for centuries until the new Alpha started challenging the territory lines. They have been fighting back and forth and its getting dangerously close to a full fledged war. He's saying it was his land originally and its rightfully his and that they invaded and threatened to hunt them if they didn't give up land and blah blah blah" He gave a dismissive wave at the end of his lil rant.

"I seriously can't not after knowing who their new Alpha is, no way am I facing him." I shook my head and stared back out the window.

"How could you know who the Alpha? It hasn't been revealed yet who it is. He wants to remain anonymous." He frowned, studying me slowly.

I sighed and plopped my head down into my hands. I wanted to help but not if it meant running into him. I felt like if I went back I would feel the rush of pain flooding over me again. Just a year ago I had been hit by Tait's car and he saved me. I was shaking already filled with anger and fear and I wasn't even home yet. I rubbed my left wrist fingering the scar Tait had left me.

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