Chapter 10

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(Haden's P.O.V)

I continued to drive all day and night, I couldn't be that far behind her at this point. If she didn't spend the night at that creepy motel she had to keep moving and she must be running on empty. Her scent was getting stronger and stronger as a neared a small town with only one hotel. I spotted her bike parked in the lot. I could barely contain the joy I was feeling. I whipped my car into a spot and didn't even bother to put it into park all the way before I ran through the front lobby. The hotel had two floors and her scent lead to the elevators. I ran up and down the hall until I found her room. I pounded on the door breathing heavily. No answer. I knocked on the door harder and called out her name. I could sense someone just on the other side, she was so close I just wanted to hold her. I leaned my head on the door and closed my eyes.

"Casey...please" I breathed out softly. A door slammed just on the other side, my eyes shot open. I kicked open the door to find the room trashed. Clothes thrown onto the floor, her dog barking at my feet and a window open on the far side of the room the wind blowing the curtains. Fuck. I ran to the window and saw her just as she landed in a crotch on the sidewalk. She glanced up her eyes widening and bolted to her bike. I scooped up her dog that wouldn't shut the hell up and jumped out after her.

I stopped a few yards away from her. She looked like she just woke up her hair was a mess her clothes wrinkly from sleeping in them. She was straddling her bike and looking conflicted. She had a death grip on the handles and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry...I can't" She whispered quietly looking away from me.

"What do you-OW Mother fucker!" I roared in anger dropping her damn beast of a dog after it sank its teeth into my hands. She reached down and scooped her husky up zipping him in her jacket before gunning the engine and taking off. "Son of a bitch..."

I raced to my car only to find the tires slashed and flat. Of course, she fucking slashed the tires, she was doing everything in her power to make sure I didn't follow her. Too bad I'm just as stubborn as she is. I went to the only other bike in the entire complex and started hot wiring it. Once I finally got it to roar to life I swung my leg over it and went after her again. I could see her just a few miles a head of me, she glanced back once before pushing her bike to go faster.

(Casey's P.O.V.)

I woke with a start to someone pounding on my door and Zeus barking angrily at it. I jumped out of bed and started trying to throw things into my bag in a hurry. Muffled through the door I heard someone speak my name. Cautiously I approached it, I could smell Haden's scent through the door and I caught my breath. I gently laid my hand against the door, a big part of me just wanted to yank open the door and jump into his arms, but it wasn't that easy. I shook my head and backed away, I opened the far window and glanced down. It wasn't that far of a jump I've made worse. I bit my lip and took a deep breath before leaping out. I heard the door smash open above me, glancing up I saw Haden's head pop out the window above me. I raced around the side of the building and slashed his tires by my bike. I heard Haden's footsteps slow in front of me. He looked broken and worried, but at the same time happy and relieved to see me. In the nook of his arms was Zeus barking eagerly trying to get to me.

"Casey! Wait! Please Casey please just can't we talk?!" He took a step closer, he reached his hand out pleading. I looked away abruptly, god I so desperately wanted to stay with him.

"I'm sorry I can't..." I let out a high-pitched whistle only Zeus could hear. I heard Haden say something but I couldn't make it out. Zeus raced across the small distance and I lifted him up and secured him in my coat before tearing out of the lot and back onto the high way.

Kiss of Fate {watty awards 2013}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz