And Mina nodded. So Mina got under her covers and Eric started to play on his guitar.
🦉There's no combination of words I could
put on a back of a post card🦉

🦉No song that I could sing,
but I can try for your heart🦉

🦉Our dreams, and they are made of real things
Like, a shoe box of photographs
with sepia-toned loving🦉
That part of the song made Mina smile.

🦉Love is the answer,
at least for most questions of my heart🦉

🦉Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?🦉

🦉It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving. I'll tell you one thing it's always better when where together🦉
Mina was moving her head side to side, listening to the soothing music.

🦉Mmm, it's always better when where together,🦉

🦉Yeah, we'll look at the stars when where together,🦉

🦉Well, It's better when we're together🦉

🦉Yeah, it's always better when we're together🦉
Then Eric rubbed his forehead with Mina's forehead.


🦉And all these moments,
just might find their way into my dreams tonight🦉

🦉But I know that they'll be gone,
when the morning light sings🦉

🦉Or brings new things,
for tomorrow night you see,
That they'll be gone too,
too many things I have to do🦉
Then Mina looked through her window to see and hear the rain. She never realised the storm could have a calm side.

🦉But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene🦉

🦉I'd be under the impression,
I was somewhere in between🦉

🦉With only two, just me and you. Not so many things we got to do or places we got to be,
We'll sit beneath the mango tree now🦉

🦉Yeah, it's always better when we're together🦉

🦉Mmm, we're somewhere in between together🦉

🦉Well, it's always better when we're together🦉

🦉Yeah, it's always better when we're together🦉

🦉I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep🦉

🦉Hey now and, and when I wake up
You look so pretty sleeping next to me🦉
Mina blushed a little.

🦉But there is not enough time
There is no, no song I could sing🦉

🦉And there is no combination of words
I could say. But I will tell you one thing:🦉

🦉🕊We're better together🕊🦉
Mina and Eric both sang the last part. While Eric was finishing the ending, Mina got out of her flashback and got her mind back into the present.

"So Mina, what did you think?" Hickory asked.

"Oh, oh. It's beautiful Hickory. It really is."
Mina lied to him, because she didn't pay attention to the song.

"Yawn. Well in Delta's case she would say: Time to hit the hay and—snore.
Trollex immediately fell asleep, along everyone went to bed too. Except Branch.

"Ok I'll be lookout." Branch said and got up but only got immediately pulled down by Poppy.

"Oh come on Branch! You've been suspicious about this island since the moment we came. Why can't you let it go? Or why your too cautious?" Poppy said.

Branch didn't know what to say. He felt heartbroken 💔 and speechless. He left the cave so he could take a walk and a breather on the beach.

While he was walking, getting the ocean waves splashed onto his feet, he noticed a figure was on the beach too. It was easy to recognise her face in the moonlight to be again, Mina.

"Why are you here?"
Branch asked and spooked her a little, but she didn't seem surprised that Branch was here.

"Sigh. Well, I'm just worried that I may never see my friends again. And—and just having second thoughts about this place." Mina said softly.

"Wait! You don't trust this place?" Branch asked and all he got was nodding.

"Then how come your so, so chill about it. How come your not worried about it like I am?" Branch asked and he was desperate about it being answered.

"It's just—I don't want anyone to think I'm a boring, not fun, Troll. Because I'm cautious about this island. And if they knew about it, they may not listen to me, or think I'm crazy."
Mina told the Truth, and Branch realised that she  may be similar to him after all.

"I guess I have been judging this place a little too much." Branch admitted but he continued
"And just because your cautious or over-protective doesn't make you a boring person." Branch said to Mina.

"In fact, I think it makes you more interesting!"
Branch said and Mina lifted her head up a little.

"Really?" Mina responded.
"Yeah! I mean, as Poppy would say: "Differences do matter, but only if we respect them". Branch said and that made Mina extremely happy.

"Thanks Branch, and goodnight."
Mina hugged Branch and flew off back to the cave.

"That felt great."
Branch said and started walking back to the cave.

But as Branch was walking back to the cave, he felt a lot better. But as he was walking back a coconut fell on top of his head and he fell down unconscious.
Boy I wonder what happens next!

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