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"Done. Done. Done," Samir chorused as he typed in the final words. It was a rough draft, but a few polishing here and there, and it will be pitch-perfect.

Nodding silently, Sabiha closed her laptop. The interview with Mr. Duff was really eye-opening- from his insights to the modifications he suggested regarding their paper. Now, they are going back home.

The interior of the train was lit up as the evening sky was glowing. The sky had a pink rouge tint to its bosom with huge pieces of clouds thrown over its wide horizon. It was peaceful, very much unlike the state of mind of Sabiha Iftekhar, who was witnessing all of it.

"Earth to Biha. You copy?" Samir interjected as once again he saw his partner slip into a trance. She has been out of it for a while..

"Copy, sir," she said with a hint of a smile. She knew what he did there, and he knew that she knew.

The silence was entering between them. They didn't intervene in its presence and simply let their words be carried by the breeze. Around them were various people- family, friends, lovers, elders, teenagers, workaholics. To Samir's right were a family. A small family with the husband and wife sitting together, hand-in-hand as they watched their kids sleeping across them. Their eyes filled with love, for each other and their kids. A few seats ahead were an elderly couple, with the woman constantly nagging the man about being forgetful about his medicines. The sight was innocent and pure enough to bring out a smile on his face. As his eyes scanned, he realized everyone in their compartment had one thing in common- love. For family, for a lover, for husband, for wife, and oh even for work.

"Love is happiness," he whispered out seeing the scenes in front of him.

"It is." This time around he turned his head to find her eyes on the people around them. Darting very subtly from the elderly couple a few rows ahead of them to the couple beside them.

Somewhere Samir felt it was not all there was to say. There was this impending line that was at the tip of her tongue.

"You know what we ask?" she started. It didn't seem she wanted an answer, so Samir just looked at her. Maybe she was finally letting it go. Maybe this time around she will share what she is hiding.

"We don't generally ask for happiness." A rueful smile embraced her face. The fading sun added a more somber tone to her face.

"What we wish, hope, and ask for is just a little less pain than last time," she completed it. Her dark chocolate orbs were almost holding nothing. Nothing as if she had felt a lot and buried things for too long. The usual warmth in those was fading as if a remembrance was setting in her swirling mind.

Samir witnessed the changes. This time he allowed her to go into her trance.

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