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Khakandas cheerta di?” The man in front of her uttered as she looked at him dumbfounded. 

(Where is the toilet?)

“What?” She asked to check if she heard him right.

“Oh my effing God! You speak English?” He squealed out. If it were another time, Sabiha would have been laughing seeing his expression, but she was too preoccupied with analyzing the potential mental patient in front of her. 

“Language,” She scolded. 

“Oh my effing gosh. You speak English,” He repeated, after the “correction”. Rolling her eyes, she stepped back from the lunatic. She had better and far more important things at hand now. 

“Like seriously, I know Urdu but here they hardly speak it. While I hardly speak Pashto. Kashmir mein kya Urdu nahi bolte?” He jogged up to her. She noticed he had his bag on him and it was no longer on the ground. 

(Don't they speak Urdu in Kashmir?)

Bolte hein, just iss area mein, Pashto is more prominent,” She answered. Not a clue why she even did. 

(They do, just that in this area,-)

“Oh Urdu. You know Urdu,” He pointed out. His face illuminated like a child who got his long lost toy. 

“Why are you following me?” Stopping in her tracks she turned to face him. 

“I just wanted to talk.” 


“Because there is no one else?” he offered. 

“Then in the house, there are tons of people swarming,” She sassed as she thought of the wedding shenanigans of the two families. 

“Haha. Very funny,” He said in a dry voice. 

“No seriously. You go your way-” 

Not letting her finish, he started, “Bride side or groom?” 

Dude, I am THE bride was what she thought and could definitely not utter. 

“Bride's side,” she answered. “You?”

“Umm Groom side.” 

“Oh. You must have never seen the bride,” The last line sounded more of a statement. 

“Yeah,” He smiled. “You seen the groom?”

“Not even a hair,” She replied. It was true. She and the groom haven’t seen or spoken to each other. It was decided and that was it. Apparently, it was some sort of tradition of not letting the bride and groom not interact before they are Nikkahfied. Talk about strangers. 

“So as I was saying-”

Again interruption. “Are you going somewhere?” 

“Just looking around.” She said, Yup, looking around at 2 am. Nice, Sabiha. 

“Same!” He said, a little bit too excited for her liking. Maybe due to the fear that anyone could be hearing them. 

“Cool. So I will get going then. Have fun-” 

“Darman.” Both passed each a smile before he spoke again. 

“You too, Ms-”

“Sabiha” She finished. Gesturing a goodbye, both turned to take a step in their predestined direction when the bulb clicked in their head. 

It could be recorded as the fastest cervical rotation in history, as two dumbfounded faces once again saw each other. 

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