Jungkook is lying down on his bed, his cheeks their normal color. However, upon seeing Jimin in his doorway, he snaps up into a sitting position, his cheeks now glowing. "Captain Kim sent me. He wants me to be in the broadcast." Jimin motions to his attire.

"Alright, come in," Jungkook says, sensing the tension radiating off Jimin. Regardless, he enters, the door shutting behind him.

Jungkook gets up and trots over to the closet, opening it as Jimin approaches. Jimin's eyes burn into the poor boy's back. Jungkook stands there for a few seconds before sighing and turning around. "Can we talk about this like civilized human beings?" Jungkook asks, raising a brow. His gentleness amazes Jimin, but he won't complain about that.

"Sure," is all he says.

"Her and I dated for two years when I visited Ganymede." So he is the long, serious relationship. Jimin figured, but still, it doesn't make him feel any better. "Mars forced me off the Moon. I did everything to stay, but Mars came for me. I lied to try and get away but... they put these in me for lying," Jungkook pauses, motioning towards his face. Jimin softens his gaze. He can't imagine how the boy feels. He may not be much younger than Jimin, but getting forced to have experimental enhancements, especially this young, can't be fun.

"I never told her that Mars was coming for me. I... disappeared." Jimin bites back a grimace. "I know, that was horrible of me. Her and I already talked about this." Jimin isn't sure how to feel. On one hand, he's angry Jungkook hurt Y/N, but at the same time, he can tell the poor boy still cares about Y/N and was just trying to protect her. "If you want to yell at me, I don't blame you. Just get it over with. I already got it from her, might as well get another one."

Jimin hesitates, then takes a step forward. Jungkook flinches and closes his eyes, his cheeks burning a bright blue. To Jimin's own surprise, he places his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. The boy's eyes snap open, and he peers at Jimin's hand, then down into his eyes. "You cared about her and made her happy. At the end of the day, that's what matters, right? Why would I yell at you for that? Yeah - you messed up, but that's between you and her. I'm her friend, not her dad," Jimin says in a quiet voice. The boy's cheeks gradually lose their brightness, his eyes turning back to brown.

"You mean that?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin nods. "I do." Jungkook's shoulders ease, and he gives the Engineer a grateful expression before shifting towards the closet. Jimin lets his hand slip off the taller boy's shoulder, peeking into the closet with him. "What was she like?"

Jungkook clicks his tongue, falling into his memories. "Playful, fun, determined. She was - and from what I can tell still is - full of life." He pauses to smile at Jimin. "She'll give you an adventure." Jimin returns his smile, giving him a snicker as he turns back to the closet. Jungkook motions towards the Executive Officer outfit, which makes Jimin's eyes go wide.

"Wow... it's nice," Jimin whispers, his hand tracing over the fabric. White and gold, opposite to Namjoon's much darker attire. "Hopefully it will fit."

Jungkook scans over Jimin's physic. "You look to be average Martian size." Jungkook gives him a teasing smirk. "Maybe a little shorter though."

Jimin fakes a look of hurt, something he's sure he's known for doing. "I'm not that short." Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. Jimin lets out a sigh, thinking about the broadcast. "Going live in twenty minutes," Jimin whispers, peering at the fabric in amazement. He never dreamed of a day where he would be wearing Executive Officer gear.

Jungkook notices the look in his eyes and waves the air with his hands. "I know I've only been here for literally an hour, but I can tell it suits you." Jimin remembers Jungkook's status: a Platinum Intelligence Officer. If anyone can judge character - it's Jungkook. This only makes Jimin internally panic. And no, not a gay panic. Or maybe it's a gay panic. Wait, Jimin's straight. Wait... is he?

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now