Jimin's breath leaves his body. "Me? Name our cruiser?"

"We're all in this together. Being survivors means we all have responsibilities. Consider this your first one. Give us a good name."

Jimin chuckles, pretending his skin isn't forming goosebumps. "No pressure or anything." Namjoon returns Jimin's amused expression, but doesn't say anything more. Jimin peeks down for a moment, and after a few beats of thinking, he gets the perfect name. He types it in, then activates the transponder.

He closes the panel, stands, and looks over at Namjoon. His Captain raises a brow. "You'll see," is all Jimin says before approaching the cockpit once more. He goes inside and stands behind Baekhyun, watching as they approach the forcefield that allows them inside.

"They're not going to be too happy about a Martian ship in here," Hoseok says, which makes Baekhyun laugh.

"Wait til' they find out it's being flown by a bunch of Earthies. Both of the factions they hate in one place. We'll definitely blend right in," the Pilot replies.

Y/N approaches Jimin and halts next to him, observing the approach from out of the cockpit. "You think we'll find who we're looking for?" she asks.

Jimin smiles, loving the proximity between them even if it isn't much. "I certainly hope so. The Belt isn't exactly a place you want to be."

"What was it like the last time you were here?"

Jimin groans, resisting the urge to scowl. "Not a lot of food, cramped spaces, rundown cities and homes. The industrial district isn't as bad as the others, but it's still no Ganymede or Mars." Y/N hums in understanding, going quiet with him.

"Alright, when I last spoke with him three months ago, he said he would be hopping around the Belt, but mainly focusing on the industrial area. Particularly near the main shipyards. I say we start there," Namjoon says as they come closer to a landing platform. The comm link beeps, and a lady's voice is heard from the other side.

"Cruiser 4651-A you are cleared for landing. Welcome to the Belt, Moonchild."

Namjoon glances over at Jimin. "Moonchild?" the Captain asks.

A wave of nervousness swells inside Jimin's chest for a split second, then realizes the name is not only good, but rather catchy. "Yes sir. The Moonchild, called Moon for short." Jimin motions to Y/N. "We are carrying a Moon's child after all, figured it could be symbolic." Y/N gives him a sweet smile that tugs on his heart strings.

Namjoon gives his shoulder a pat. "Good work rookie, you officially handled your first responsibility." Jimin returns the Captain's gaze of appreciation before the ship lands, slightly shaking. "Okay, let's gear up. Artificial oxygen and gravity is on, so we shouldn't have too many problems, but I'd prefer to have gear on in case we're recognized. The Belt is a dangerous and aggressive place, we need to be on our toes at all times." Everyone salutes the Captain as he walks out of the cockpit.

The protective gear is already on everyone's assigned seat on the bridge, which makes it easier to put on. Jimin straps it around himself and is astonished to see Y/N gearing up as well. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asks her, what he hopes is genuine concern in his tone.

"Well, I figured I'd be safer surrounded by three tough guys and one tough girl rather than sitting in a ship with one guy. No offense Baekhyun."

The Pilot raises his hand up in defeat. "None taken. You're more likely to win in a fight in your condition against five guys than me on my own against one."

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now