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this is a slam poem i wrote for my creative writing class a year ago in which i got a perfect mark on. i've completely forgotten about it and then last night i ran across it when i was looking thru my old (and much more shitty) works from before. this poem is about homophobia, and just how wrong it is. remember: if youre a homophobe, just know that homophobe spelled backwards is ebohpomoh, which makes no fuccing sense, just like ur beliefs. indulge. :-)


dear straight people

you callin me a fag? so we callin ourselves what we are now? then i'ma call u an asshole, but much less shit come out of an asshole. u my friend are some kind of a factory of shit or somethin.

dear straight people

i don't look gay? well shit im sorry did i forget to wear my goddamn rainbow again today?

dear straight people

u whine about how there so many homos in the world? why don't u blame ur selves, straight people the ones who keep making gay babies

dear straight people

you claim its unnatural to be attracted to the opposite sex, well then think about how unnatural your lifestyle is. wearing glasses or braces is unnatural. condoms are unnatural. using computers or phones is unnatural. man, even shaving or dying your hair is unnatural. so if i live an unnatural life jus cos im gay, then u live an unnatural life to cos u shave

dear straight people

u think just cos i talk to u i want to suck yo dick? oh HELL NO. not today, satan. not chu. don't flatter yo self, you aint that juicy for my liking. fix yo crooked ass teeth first before u assume some wild shit bout me n u. bye

dear straight people

u be preachin to me about how ima go to hell because im gay? well then HOOOOLD the fuck up lemme just take a selfie w yo ass and post that shit on my twitter and tell my gay followers what u just told me because damn if u hadnt noticed i already am in hell. we get bullied and hated and murdered just for not fitting ur stupid ass traditional standards from the 1800s? how dumb is that?

dear straight people

u think homosexuality a disease? if it is then damn i guess i should say heterosexuality a disease too huh? i mean, we thinkin all sexualities a disease right? or is it because youre really just fucking ignorant and close-minded and i-fucking-liberal that u think two guys kissing two girls kissing is wrong? SO WHAT? it's a fucking kiss. straight people kiss in public too, they even have sex on bus stops lemme just tell you. IT'S A KISS. straight people use mouth and tongue to kiss, so do gay people. i don't see what's wrong with it. ur wrong, not me. and you know why?

because gay ppl dont stop str8 ppl from openly being themselves

because gay ppl dont stop str8 ppl from expressing their gender identity in creative and innovative ways

because gay ppl dont drive str8 ppl to killing themselves at a 30% higher rate than the nationall ave

because gay ppl didnt shun str8 ppl and treat them like lepers when incurable diseases start ravaging their communities

because gay ppl didnt shun str8 ppl into hiding their sexuality and driving them to unsafe sex practices out of desperation for validating physical intimacy

because gay ppl cant get str8 ppl fired from their jobs for being str8

because gay ppl hav never brutally and systematically murdered str8 ppl for being str8

because gay ppl have never created such a hostile living experience for str8 ppl, where an entire celebrity-studded social media campaign was created to convince str8 ppl not to commit suicide

because gay ppl didnt kick straight ppl out of their country just bc theyre str8

because gay ppl have not spent centuries warping the minds of how str8 ppl should hate themselves

because gay ppl have not forced str8 ppl to legitimize their sexuality by asking "so which one of takes it up the ass?"

and now ur telling me: "homosexuals ruin society"? can u hear urself? dont you see, str8 ppl are the ones ruining society; theyre the ones who ruin the sanctity of marriage, you know how? by marrying someone they're arranged to marry. by marrying someone that they just met when theyre wasted in vegas. by marrying someone just to get all their money when they die two weeks after their marriage.

at least gay ppl get married to finally be able to call themselves a couple. to be with the person they love the most. to be able to have a family. to spend the rest of their lives in happiness and ardency. not to ruin society.

so, if ur a homophobe, just remember that homophobe spelled backwards is ebohpomoh, which makes no fucking sense at all. just like ur beliefs.

so if theres anyone wrong in this room, it's YOU. you and your dumbfucking bitch-faced moronic battalion of asinine pussies that believe in beliefs that some fairytale called the bible taught u is whats wrong in this society. youre whats wrong with society. YOU RUIN SOCIETY. dont be mad at us and make our lives a living hell just because u didn't grow up seeing two men or two women holding hands down the street. dont be mad at us just bc we're out of the ordinary. be mad at urselves for not being open-minded and receptive enough to accept the out of the ordinary. bc the world evolves, homie, and the only thing u can do about it is to accept it. accept us. accept homosexuals bisexuals transexuals pansexuals asexuals demisexuals transgenders drag queens drag kings dykes menosexuals intrasexuals zoosexuals gerontosexuals skoliosexuals the genderless sapiosexuals polysexuals monosexuals autosexuals gynesexuals hermaphrodites hypersexuals androsexuals heteroflexibles gray asexuals objectumsexuals and EVERYONE ELSE that u discrimnate mercilessly JUST BECAUSE THEYRE DIFFERENT. do you see the mess youve created? DO YOU SEE THIS? wake up, amigo, this is 2015, not 3000 BC. so pls, dear straight ppl, get ur shit together

dedicated to because she suggested the topic. if you have anything in mind that you want me to talk about, be it societal issues like feminism, racism, and the likes, or random boohockeys (PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE RECOGNISES THIS REFERENCE) like technology, mirth, ardency, and bla bla bla ok u know the drill cheers fam

- don

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