#67: A GIFT

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Hi, all.

After about half a year of spending time on WordPress, I am back on Wattpad and will be updating my work. I have started another indecent anthology on bad verses, called Toast. It is a lot like Title, only this time the teenage angst-brimming, all-capital, bold, italic 'poems' from 2014 are out, and in come less enraged, but much more formulated (due to lack of better words) blank rimes. If you are in the littlest dollop interested, head over to my profile and click on Toast, or tap the External Link button somewhere around your screen, if I ever do figure out how to put in an external link. Dear God it's been actual ages since I've been here. Much has changed.

My deepest, truest gratefulness to any and all of you who have given me encouragement throughout the years. We will have a lot of fun in Toast. Read on!

Many thanks,
Alexo Chang

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