#48: " BENT "

155 15 6

help me

she cries

her family

disowns her

why you may ask

it's because she

is bent

help me

he pleads

everyone is

hurting him

why you may ask

it's because he

is bent

help me

i cry

they say i

am a sinner

why you may ask

it's because i

am bent

help me

no more

what they say

means nothing

why you may ask

it's because i

am bent

and proud

and elated

and blithe

and with

the love of

my life

who you may ask

another person

of the same gender

why you may ask

it's because i

am bent

written in celebration of being a homosexual homosexual people are by far the strongest and best people i have ever encountered if you are a homosexual person i love you; you are generated to be able to surpass every trial that goes your way as one

i love you


Written 9 September 2014

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