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Recently in my Junior English class, our teacher assigned us to write a speech (and eventually orate it) on a rule we'd like to change in the country. This is my speech.

(Fully) Legalise Abortion in U.S.A

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in light today. Some say that it is an abomination, and that no woman should do it. I disagree strongly; I firmly believe that abortion is not a bad thing, but a good thing. And while it is true that it is legal in the United States and some other countries, abortion is only legal to some extent.

          So many people would disagree with my opinion that abortion should be legalized; they are wrong. Upon hearing that, they will say that committing abortion equates to killing a baby, that they are murdering an unborn child, that it's immoral, that they should go to prison for having an abortion. They make it sound like it's a crime, but it's not. It's not a crime; it's just a woman taking care of her own body and choosing not to have a baby. It's not murder. It's not an abomination. It's a woman knowing what she wants, and that is not having a baby. A woman should not in any way, not by any means be judged or ridiculed or prohibited from merely terminating an unwanted pregnancy. She should not be tormented and denied of her rights only because she doesn't wish to carry a fetus in her womb.

          Statistics says that 89% of all abortions occur at six weeks of pregnancy or earlier, meaning in the time a woman gets an abortion, the baby in her womb is not even a baby yet. It doesn't even have a face yet. It doesn't have hands yet. It doesn't have anything. It doesn't have life. And even if a woman wants to have an abortion later in the pregnancy, say the second or third trimester, why does anybody care?

          The law says that abortion is legal, but could be restricted by the states to varying degrees. Now why is that a thing? What, you still gotta examine a woman's pregnancy and see if she qualifies for an abortion? That's just stupid and you fucking know it. If a woman wants to have an abortion, give her an abortion. Nullifying her abortion is downright misogynist and a violation of women's reproductive rights, because women don't have abortions to have a good time; they do it because they're scared, or they're young, or they're not ready, or they may have been raped, or all of the above worst yet. And maybe they don't want to bring a baby into a world where a woman's rights to her own body is denied solely because society is too ignorant to realize that abortion is not murder. Abortion is not an abomination. Calling it immoral is like calling Chipotle a burger place -- there is no correlation.

          A woman getting an abortion is just a woman doing what she wants for her own welfare and health, and I say we let her do it. I mean, it's her body. It's her life. It's her uterus. It's all hers. Who are we, who is anyone for that matter, to tell her what to do with it?

Of course I did want to tackle how not all countries have legalized and accepted abortion and how WOC and Non-American women are less likely to be able to get an abortion than White and American women and how not all women have access to it because of all sorts of reasons as well, but the teacher said it'd have been far too long.

Apologies if the wording and arrangement wasn't perfect; I wrote this the night before the deadline.

Coincidentally, he, the teacher, wrote that I had no argument and no evidence and that "this was not a debate," whatsofuckingever that means. Super expected seeing as he is a male, and a cishet at it. Privileged. Coon ass mf

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