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Every day my problem is that I'm doing nothing to make any progress with my relationship with the one person I want to be with.

Every day I feel as though I have not one thing going on with my life and that I am less and less important to people than I was yesterday, if not at all.

Every day I try and better myself but end up doing something or saying something that leads to me feeling like actual, utter shit.

Every day I see people around me and I feel bitter and distasteful merely because they are something that I am not, and the thought and sight of that irks the living being out of me.

That was until today.

Today I do something that makes me feel positive and lively about myself.

Today I vow to myself that I only do things for me, not for anyone else, because fuck anyone else — I am doing whatever it is that I want to do.

Today I tell myself that I am beautiful, that I am worth-loving, that I am a who I am and no one and nothing can ever tarnish that.

Today I open my eyes and lift my spirits and appreciate everything and everyone around me.

Today I find myself.

I kinda feel like shit for not posting for a straight three months when I said I was gnna update often as hell jajaja stuff happened

Xx Don

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