Leaving for Duskwood

Start from the beginning

MC: I believe he has very good reason to be our culprit, but do not believe he is who we're searching for, the whole set up just bugs me, it seems very staged, don't you think? Whoever it is really wants us to believe it's Micheal though.

Jake: I see, I also feel the same on the matter, however we can't rule out any possibilities.

Jake: I am still trying to gather a connection to Michael's phone so I'll continue with that for the time being.

MC: Yes I understand. I'll leave you to it, I'm going to see my neighbour anyway, I just need some company.

Jake: I wish it could be me, who could keep you company.

My heart melts at this message. How could I be so head over heels for a man I have never met, never seen his face, gazed into his eyes, even heard his real voice. A sadness falls over me, as I wonder if I'll ever get that chance. I simply say.

MC: I wish that too Jake

Hey Jake...

I miss you.

Jake: I miss you too, more than you could possibly imagine.

Jake is Offline

I place the phone down with a smile on my face, and sadness in my heart. I need him, more than I thought I did.

Starting the car I head out, the drive is monotonous, but every now and then the view takes my breath away, nature's beauty in its purest form. The roads are pretty clear so I arrive there 20 minutes earlier than expected. I pull up to the motel carpark and retrieve my luggage from the boot, its such a picturesque little town, a feeling of familiarity hits, probably from Jessys virtual tour. I try taking in its beauty, ignoring the danger that awaits me. I enter the motel hit with the scent of fresh linen, I take a deep breath in, I love that smell. I head to the desk greeted by an older lady with a big beaming smile on her face, that's a welcome change.

Mrs Walters: Welcome to Duskwood my dear, how can I help you today? I'm Mrs Walters.

MC: Hello Mrs Walters, nice to meet you, I'm here to visit friends, I'm looking for a room but unsure for how long, will that be a problem?

Mrs Walters: Of course not dear, you can stay as long as you like, I'll just need to take your name and info, and I'll show you to your room.

MC: Thank you Mrs Walters, my name is Mc.

With that she stands back, studying me for a bit, then starts to rummage through some papers on her desk. She's suddenly become very distracted. She then stands to face me.

Mrs Walters: Ah There it is, well someone knew you'd be coming, this was dropped off 3 days ago.

She hands me an envelope with my name on, I stood frozen, a shiver runs down my spine, nobody knows I'm here, 3 days, 3 whole days, I don't understand what's happening. I have told no one about my arrival, maybe it's Jake testing me, but I doubt it. My heartbeat is quickening, and I feel sick to my stomach.

Mrs Walters: Mc, are you OK? Would you maybe like some water? You've gone very pale.

I hear her talking but I do not take in anything she's saying, she dissappears briefly, then comes back with some water. Placing a hand on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

Mrs Walters: Here dear drink this, and we will get you settled. I think you need a rest.

MC: Thank you, I.. I apologies, I think the long journey and lack of food is catching up with me, I think a rest sounds good. Let me give you my information first.

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