the winds still, and the cold chills

Start from the beginning

Team NVEBR pov

"I can't believe we are gonna be actual robin hoods!" Exclaimed velvet. """[Shhhh!]""" Replied the rest of the team. "Oh! Right, secret... sorry." Velvet deflated at that, and ruby walked up and hugged her saying. "Hey, it's okay. Even mama and daddy make mistakes. Just learn from them, because we're counting on you. So is the white fang." Velvet melted into ruby's kind hug, both not noticing blake's glare and slight pout at them. Neo bumped emerald and gestured over towards blake. [look at that, ruby's already a heartbreaker] Emerald nodded and grinned. [little sisters got game] At that they both giggled and blake glanced over at them and said. "What? What's so funny?"

[nothing, just an inside joke from when we first met. right em?] Emerald caught on and said. "Yeah, hahaha. That was a crazy day. Remember the security guard? Classic us!" Neo nodded and smiled. "Oh, sorry just thought you were laughing at me or something. Sorry that's kinda dumb." Emerald smiled and replied. "Hey it's okay." Then the green haired girl got an evil idea. "Did we ever tell you about the time we discovered ruby's weakness?" The way blake's ears shot up said that this was a very interesting topic to blake, who lamely tried playing it cool saying. "Oh yeah? That might... i dunno... be an interesting story if you want to tell it."

Blake's shifty eyes said that she was obviously wanting to hear it, so em threw her a bone and said. "Midnight chocolate chip cookies. The ones from menagerie, she loves them a whole lot for some reason. Something about being a place where pretty kitty's are made? Am i getting that right neo?" Neo signed. [yeah and something about how the yellow and black frosting reminded her of the eyes of an angel i think?]

Blake's face was brilliant red like ruby's hair and cape, she seemed to be rapidly formulating a plan on how to get access to those cookies. "Psst, that ought to hold her for awhile don't ya think?" Whispered emerald to neo, who simply nodded approvingly at her younger sister. Once they hashed out the plan they would get to work and hopefully beat the SDC at their own game, subterfuge. [okay team, here's the plan. we have to get some dirt on the schnee family, then we put pressure on jauqe, and in turn make him bend and submit to our will]

At that roman entered the room, and sat down. "Okay, good news and bad news." Blake asked him. "What's the good news?" He replied. "I know something about the SDC from casing some of their high value targets." Ruby then asked. "And what's the bad news?" He hesitated, seemingly debating on whether or not to reveal it too the team. But after a moment he said. "It's the spiders. My old gang." The kids exchanged looks, they were obviously very concerned about weather or not they could beat something that made the fearless roman torchwick afraid.

"Oh come on! We can do this!" Everyone looked on in shock at the littlest one among them. "R-Ruby?" Ruby then looked around with open arms too show all of them who they really were. "Look around you! It's team NVEBR and my daddy Roman torchwick! Legendary pickpocket and thief!" The girls all seemed to muster some courage and all seemed to agree. "Y-yeah! If dad can't do it then no one can! All we need is a way to blackmail that jauqe guy, then dad can use it to make a one on one bet!"

Roman's gears in his head seemed to be turning, he had a faint look of one of his torchwick plans formulating in his think-tank. Neo signed for everyone to be quite and let him hit the eureka brewing in his mind in peace. A few moments later he shot up in obvious delight. "That's it!" He smiled his devilishly charming trademark smile and continued. "We use a scandalous photo of him!" That seemed to confuse the young girls. [we don't have a photo of him that can compromise him or his credibility though]

Roman then said. "We use neo and emerald to make one. Neo how many physical illusions can you make?" The tri colored girl signed. [two anymore then that and they get low quality. why?] He then said. "And emerald you can only make one person see something different then what's real right?" Emerald nodded saying. "Um, yeah but what's the plan?" He seemed to purposefully ignore her and say. "Neo how much interaction can your glass take before it breaks?" Neo signed. [medium physical contact if it's against my own illusions very little if it's against a real target]

Roman asked. "Can you disguise two people and that count as medium physical contact?" Neo nodded in the affirmative. "Girls. I'm going on a date with cinder fall." They all looked a little confused. "Hahaha, hahahahahah! HAHAHA!" Especially when roman had a laughing fit like crazy! One thing they all could agree on, is the brothers help jauqe schnee because this, could not be good.

Cinder pov

She was relieved that her lunch with heather and alice went well and she was hoping that this was going to lead them all towards at the very least a peaceful future together. Then she heard a knock on her door *knock knock knock* she was a little confused but went and answered it. "Hello?" She looked around then heard a noise and looked down. "Hi mama!" To say cinder lit up would be an understatement. She bent down and scooped up her little pyro gem who in turn was giggling at her moms rare display of obvious adoration at the sight of her.

She began nuzzling ruby and said. "Hello my little pyro gem. I needed this after the stress of today. What did you need?" Ruby nuzzle attacked right back into cinders neck saying. "Wanted to cuddle with you and tell you a message from daddy." Cinder began scratching the top of ruby's head in a counter attack of their snuggle struggle. "Oh yeah? What does your daddy want?" Ruby then submitted to her mother's whims and cuddle wishes accepting her snuggle fate saying. "He wants to go on a date tomorrow."

Cinder cupped ruby's cheek and lightly heated her hands to warm her baby, the she put her warm forehead on ruby's doing the same semblance trick, using her scorching caress as a light heater warming the little girl that meant everything to her. "He can get it, but for now my little pyro gem. You're gonna cuddle with mama all night tonight!" Ruby beamed at the rare overdose of affection and said. "Can we read stories and watch movies!?" Cinder smiled and said. "Of course, what kind of mama would i be if i didn't do that. Let's get in bed and pick out what to watch, then after i'll read you a bedtime story."

Ruby smiled as they settled in for the night. And after all the fun they had with their movie and subsequent book, ruby yawned and laid down closing her eyes saying. "I love you mama." Cinder held ruby tightly and close, while watching the door instinctively with penance eyes for threats. "I love you too pyro gem." And with a silent summoning of a hellfire knife cinder began her protective night watch over her everything.

Author's notes

Hey everybody! Sorry this chapter took so long to publish, life stuff happened and i had to cancel my scarlet wizard story as to avoid writing burnout. But hopefully this was a passable chapter, and hopefully you can understand that my real storyboard will be written and planned after this chapter gets published. So hopefully you all don't mind a possibly later/longer wait for the next big story moments. But as always thanks for reading this long and please join us next time for chapter 28. A framework of lies. But until then true believers excelsior!

Also check out this absolutely freaking epic fan art of cinder fall from my story a mother's protection spell! By @Glass_Demon25 on Twitter

An absolutely amazing attention to all cinders differences from her canon counterpart in my fic, and i absolutely love the colors and shapes of it all, and that's not even counting the bonus team NBER chibi's! All in all thank you for making this ...

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An absolutely amazing attention to all cinders differences from her canon counterpart in my fic, and i absolutely love the colors and shapes of it all, and that's not even counting the bonus team NBER chibi's! All in all thank you for making this beautiful artwork, and reading my story, hopefully when you get here you will understand just how much this means to me. As always though you can support them on redbuble and Twitter if you would do that then i would greatly appreciate the support for this growing artist and all their future works.

And if you read all that and this thanks and have a wonderful day kind stranger.

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