Chapter Forty-Eight

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The tension in the room was thicker than molasses. No one moved a muscle, or even breathed as we stared at one another—hearts beating as quick as a hummingbird's wings. Sweat was thick on my brow as I glanced between the two dragons, silently wondering what our next course of action was. Should we just...bolt out of here and hope he didn't catch us?

No...the sun dragon had magic at his disposal. So, we probably wouldn't be able to get far in the first place.

Should we try to bargain with him? Convince him to help us instead? I mean, he seemed to be particularly interested in Drakell, for some reason—whether it be because of him being the Prince of Dragons, or some weird attraction he had towards the other man. But there was something, and Drakell had convinced him earlier to bring him that second meal. Maybe it could work?

Unfortunately, before I could even try, Drakell was gone from my side in an instance—tackling the other dragon to the floor with a heavy thud. "Go!" The dragon prince yelled, his strength easily overpowering the wiry form of the sun dragon. "Find Davian and get him out of here!"

Heart pounding in my chest, I went to move, only for a table to slam into me, causing me to stumble back and almost fall—had I not caught myself in time. Bewildered, I glanced back and saw the sun dragon's hand stretched towards me—the remnants of his magic slowly fading before he shoved that same hand against Drakell's chest. I felt a strange sort of...pull from around the room, as if the air around us was being gathered, and in the next instance, Drakell was sent flying across the room with a golden burst of light.

My heart was racing wildly in my chest as the sun dragon stood, wondering how the hell we were going to get past someone so powerful.

Drakell shot to his feet, but before he could even take a step, he froze, as if something was locking him in place. Even without looking, I knew the sun dragon was keeping him there with his magic. After all, Drakell was much broader than the other male and could easily overpower him strength-wise. It would be stupid of him not to use his magic.

The room then fell silent, with the only sounds being Drakell's struggling, and my panicked breathing. We had to do something. There was no way we could go up against someone who could throw us across the room with a mere flick of the wrist. We may have had the numbers against him, but he had the power and were we to try to run...we wouldn't get far. The only option we even had was to try to bargain with him, or convince him that the man he was so loyally following was a sadistic narcissist who only cared about getting what he wanted.

"Wait!" I hurriedly said, before the sun dragon could do anything else. I ignored the frantic, confused look Drakell sent my way and approached the other dragon, hand up cautiously. "Please. Just...please listen to us. I don't know if you truly know the man you're working for, or what he has offered for your services. But that man...that man is evil, and vile, and cares about nothing but himself. He is not a man of his word, dragon. He has hurt innocent people for his own pleasure and has no intentions of changing the way he is." Once I was close enough, I gently placed my hand over the other man's outstretched one—causing those amber eyes to snap towards me.

Being this close, I could see the inner turmoil swimming withing that sea of gold, and for a moment, I wondered if what I was saying was getting through to him...or if he had been questioning his loyalty to Alton this entire time.

"Davian is a sweetheart who has done nothing wrong to anyone, yet Alton tortures him and hurts him, and uses him as if he were nothing more than an object to toy with...and Davian doesn't deserve that. He doesn't deserve to suffer because he was born with mixed blood. How is that fair at all? He's done nothing wrong, yet all his life he has suffered. And you wish to aid Alton in harming him. Why? What has Alton offered you that you would sacrifice an innocent soul?"

The sun dragon's brows pinched together and thank the gods, he dropped his hand and averted his gaze—his lips pulled thin as he stepped away from me. Drakell was released from the spell when the other dragon dropped his hand, nearly stumbling before he caught himself on a nearby table. His crimson eyes shot to me, and I shook my head, not wanting him to do anything rash. Not when I was—hopefully—getting through to the other man.

I then turned my attention to the other dragon, watching as he stared at an undetermined space for a moment, completely silent. I decided to continue trying to convince him. "Please let us go. All we want is Davian to be safe and to live a life without constantly being used and hurt. I-I love him, and just want him to be happy. If...If we can get him without alerting anyone, we could be in and out before Alton even suspects a thing. Please, surely you're not that heartless to ignore when someone is blatantly being abused. Help us."

The other man was silent for a moment longer, then, after a few seconds, he finally spoke, causing me to perk up with hope. "My people," he muttered, still refusing to look back at us. "I was separated from what is left of my people and Alton knows where they are." He turned back and looked at us, amber eyes glittering with unseen tears. "There are not much of my kind left. Even less after we were attacked in the middle of the night. Alton had promised me their location...if I helped him achieve his wishes for a time. These are my people. My family. I-I cannot fathom never being able to see them again." Those amber eyes turned towards me. "That is why I help Alton. Not because of money, or property, or anything of monetary value, but because after all of this, I get to return to my family."

"And how do you know that Alton isn't lying?" I wondered, holding my arms out to make a point. "He is a known manipulator and liar, and there is nothing he wouldn't say, or do, to convince you that he knows what he's talking about. Trust me, I would know. I'm his son. I've lived under that bastard the entirety of my life, and I am finally doing things my way. I'm done believing his lies, I'm done living under his thumb when he doesn't care that I even exist, and I'm done having him rule my entire life. He is no doubt lying to you about where your people are, just to keep you under his thumb. I mean, think about it. You are a magic user. A rare and special being that can be powerful enough to take on armies by themselves. Do you really think he wouldn't use your family as an excuse to have you help him take over the world? Don't fool yourself, dragon."

"Alton is keeping Davian in his a secret compartment under the floors," the dragon spoke, his voice quiet and defeated.

Relief instantly flooded through me, as I sighed and nodded my head to myself—my hope finally blossoming now that we had a chance. "Thank you. Sincerely. Once Davian is freed...we will help you find your people. Or we can do everything we can to help."

The dragon didn't look entirely convinced and merely nodded his head silently, before he steeled himself and gestured towards the exit. "Come. Let us save your Davian."

A/N: Sorry for not updating last week, I just hadn't figured out where I wanted to go with this chapter, and hit quite a massive writers block T-T. I couldn't go another week without updating for you lovely readers, so I forced myself to write this chapter, and I hope it isn't bad, or seems rushed or anything. So again, sorry for last week's lack of update, and hopefully this darned writers block leaves me Q-Q

Anywho, hope yall enjoyed this rushed little chapter lol

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