Chapter Forty-Six

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The silence between our cells grew thick, the only sounds being that of the other prisoners in here whining or muttering incoherently to themselves. Drakell had this look on his face, one that was borderline...annoyed. His brows were pinched, his crimson eyes averted to the side, and the man had crossed his arms loosely over his chest as he silently—and kind of broodingly—mulled over my plan. I let him be, and merely sat there picking invisible loose threads off of my trousers, waiting to hear what Drakell's thoughts on this plan, was.

Was he with the plan? Or was he against it? I mean, it wasn't the best plan I could have thought of, but...I was something. He didn't have to like it, but come on, how else were we going to get the hell out of here? The walls were concrete, and the bars were made out of iron...the floors were also made out of stone so it wasn't like we could dig our way out that way.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Drakell sighing, and when I looked up, he was dragging a pale hand through his messy curls. "Well? What do you think?" I asked him, raising a single brow as the other man pulled himself to his feet and began pacing back and forth.

"I personally do not like it."

I huffed and pulled myself to my feet. "What's so bad about the plan? All you have to do is request to see that sun dragon, apologize about not taking the meal, and ask for chicken. Drakell, we can use the bones of the chicken to...well, pick the locks and get out of here."

Drakell gave me a droll look, head tilted to the side like a curious dog. "With a chicken bone?"

I shrugged and leaned up against the bars separating our cells. "Well, yeah. I've heard that, that is a popular method to escaping."

"Right, because a chicken bone is the answer to all our problems," Drakell snorted, shaking his head.

"Well, do you have a better plan? If you do, would you be so kind as to enlighten me?"

Drakell glanced at me, seemingly reading my gaze before he sighed and dragged a hand down his face—not at all looking pleased. "Why do I have to be the one to summon him to bring me food? Why not you?"

"I know...he seems to kind of like you." I chuckled as Drakell's face pinched.

"That's absolute nonsense."

I raised a brow. "Really? 'Cause when he was here trying to deliver food, it was as if I didn't even exist to him."

Drakell shrugged and averted his gaze. "I mean, you were kind of in the back of the cell..."

"No I wasn't, I was in plain view." I chuckled, watching as those pale cheeks reddened just a bit. "Look, if you do this...I'll owe you bigtime. Really...anything you want."

Again, Drakell's face pinched up and he pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed in exasperation. "Fine. Fine. But I will remember your promise." He seemed to give himself a mental pep talk, before he walked over to the bars and cleared his throat. "Hello? Any...guards on duty?" He spoke loudly, his voice echoing down the corridor. "Hello? I-I need to speak to the sun dragon. It's of utmost importance." At the latter of his sentence, he winced slightly, before he wiped the expression off of his face as a guard approached the cell, looking at him sternly.

"What is this "emergency"?" They asked, a look of distrust in their dark eyes.

Drakell tightened his grip on the bars. "This is a matter between me and the sun dragon. Please. I-I must speak with him."

The guard eyed him for a moment, before they huffed and looked to their companion, nodding towards them. The other guard obediently disappeared and the guard that Drakell had been talking to, glanced back at him, then returned to his post—keeping a close eye on the dragon.

Drakell inhaled and glanced at me, before averting his gaze as the dungeon door opened, revealing the sun dragon from before.

Golden gaze filled with a cautious curiosity as he approached Drakell's cell. "You asked for me?"

Drakell cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to appear as sheepish. "Yes, I-I did. I...well, um...I wish to apologize for how I acted earlier. It was wrong of me, so I-I'm...sorry."

The sun dragon blinked, looking bewildered—as if he hadn't expected this...unforeseen apology. After a moment just staring at Drakell, he frowned and tilted his head—gold tattoos glittering in the torchlight. "I...accept your apology, as unexpected as this was."

Drakell nodded and averted his gaze. "And you were right. need to eat something. I-I did not realize how hungry I was, until I watched the human eat. Is there...any way at all, I could...have something? C-Chicken, if at all possible?"

The sun dragon's brows furrowed. "I'm not sure that's allowed..." He sighed and glanced behind him towards the other guards. "Let me see what I can do."

Drakell nodded and forced a soft smile onto his face. "Thank you."

Looking awkward, the sun dragon nodded and turned to leave. Once he was out of sight, Drakell sighed and backed up from the bars—dragging a hand down his face. "You owe me big, human." He muttered under his breath as he walked over and sat down on his cot.

I snorted. "It wasn't that bad, Drakell. I think you did pretty good."

Drakell rolled his eyes and laid down, stating up at the ceiling. "I shouldn't have had to apologize. I mean, I'm the prisoner here, I'm allowed to be a little...snippy towards one of my captors." He shivered and frowned. "It felt wrong, apologizing to him."

I pursed my lips and made my way over to my own cot—taking a seat as I glanced back towards the draconic prince. "We gotta do, what we gotta do in order to get out of here. I know it sucks...but Davian needs us, and I'd rather not procrastinate while Davian is having gods' know what done to him by that bastard Alton."

Drakell's frown deepened, and he glanced at me through thick lashes. "You're right. The faster we can get out of here and get Davian to safety...the better."

I nodded in agreement and leaned my head back against the wall—the silence between our cells growing slowly as we waited for the sun dragon to return. Time ticked by, slow, like molasses...but after a while, the door to our block opened, causing Drakell and I to jump up as the sun dragon revealed himself—holding onto a plate of steaming chicken.

And with that...our plan was now in motion.

A/N: Aaaaaannnd, here's the next chapter! Not really much to say (I can't really think of anything lmao), other than I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Lemme know what you think! I love feedback! 

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