Chapter Forty-Three

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Being stuck here while Alton was doing gods know what to the man that I loved, was infuriating. I felt trapped, and caged like some kind of pet, and I was furious. I couldn't leave through my bedroom door without Alton's little "spies" stopping me. My secret entrance out of here was blocked, and if I touched any of the windows, that damned collar shocked me. I was caged like a dog while Davian suffered.

My requested food had been brought to me sometime earlier, but it sat untouched where Rudan had placed it. I didn't want to eat. I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to find Davian and take him far away from here so he could live the simple life he deserved. But I couldn't do that, not yet at least. I had to think of a way to get myself out of this cursed room, first.

I just had to figure out, how.

I couldn't use the windows, nor my secret passage. The guards seemed to only have loyalty towards what other option was there?

Groaning, I laid my head back against my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I tried to rake my mind for anything useful. And that's when it hit me. The ceiling. Last I checked, there was no second floor in my section of the castle, which meant that only the fresh outside air would greet me—were I to break my way out. The ceiling was made out of wood, so thankfully it wouldn't be difficult to pull the boards apart for a hole large enough for me to slip through. And hopefully the guards posted at my door didn't get suspicious enough to check on me...

I just needed something sharp enough to cut through the paneling.

My gaze shifted over to my forgotten plate—zeroing in on the large steak knife beside it. It probably wasn't the best option I could have...but it would have to do.

I moved from my position on the floor and made my way over to my makeshift saw, my gaze briefly flickering over to my bedroom door before I gripped the knife and made my way into the bathroom. I closed the door quietly behind me and peered up at the ceiling—attempting to find a spot that would work. Unfortunately, the ceiling was about fifteen feet high, and I was only about six feet tall. I would definitely require something to climb up on before I could even get started, and luckily enough, I happened to have a sturdy table I could use.

As quietly as a mouse, I maneuvered my way back into my bedroom, my eyes firmly planted on my door as I grabbed the table my liquor was stored on. I then went back into the bathroom again and closed the door behind me.

Ok, now where should I do this?

Preferably in a space that, just in case, the guards wouldn't see. Gods forbid if they come at an inopportune time and catch me in the act. No, I definitely couldn't have that. So, with an idea in mind, I decided to start about a foot away from the door. Since the door swung inward, should they come to check on me, I could open the door and everything would still appear normal.

So, I set up the table and decided to also place a few towels on the floor to dull the sounds of the ceiling that I managed to chip away...and then I got started. The knife wasn't as sharp as I hoped it would be, but it still got the job done, and as the hours passed, the closer I got to freedom. It was also hard to do with one injured arm. However...around the fourth hour...I heard my bedroom door open, causing me to tense as I shot a weary glance towards the bathroom door.

"Your Highness? Dinner is ready," I heard the elf's muffled voice.

I resisted the urge to groan in irritation as I climbed off of the table and looked around, making sure everything was away from view before I walked over to the bedroom door and pressed my ear against it. I could hear the elf walking around, no doubt snooping through my belongings. But I didn't care. He could steal anything he wanted, and I would not bat an eye. After all...I found something more valuable than those shiny trinkets, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

"Your Highness?" The elf was now singing—his very voice making me want to cover my ears from the sheer shrillness of it.

Gods, if I didn't answer, he would no doubt try to come here, and if I could prevent opening the door...well, that would be the best option. "I'll be out in a little bit," I called out, hearing the elf's footsteps faulter for a moment. "I'm currently bathing."

The elf was silent for a moment, and I wondered what the hell he was doing. Finally, after a moment, the elf finally spoke. "Oh? Well, enjoy yourself, your Highness."

And with that I heard his footsteps leaving, causing me to sigh in relief before I went right back to what I was doing. Little by little, I sawed away at the wood—throwing the chunks on the towels I had laid down. Soon, I managed to create a hole small enough to look through, and when I did, I was greeted with the beautiful sight of the clear blue sky.

Thank the gods. Now all I needed to do was widen the hole big enough for me to fit through, and I could finally begin my search for Davian. I just needed to work at the wood a bit more...

Another four hours and I had the hole about as big as a watermelon. This was...definitely taking me a hell of a lot longer than I had anticipated, and both of my hands were littered with splinters. Sweat dripped down my forehead like a river and I was panting as if I had just run a hundred miles. Right now, I was taking a break...if I didn't, I swear I would have ended up having a heart attack.

But damn, I was close. I was so close to freedom I could practically taste it. And once I was out of my room, I was going to find Davian and rescue him. Once I rescued him...we would run—disappear from Alton's greedy eyes. And we would go anywhere but here. We could go to the Draconic Kingdom to reunite Davian with his family. Or, if he didn't want to do that, we could go to the Elvish Kingdom, or Dwarvish Kingdom...anywhere that has abolished slavery. And we would be happy. We would have a quaint little cottage nestled in a pretty forest. We would grow our own food and tell one another how our day had been over the dinner table. Maybe we could adopt a child who lost their parents, and raise them to care about others, regardless of blood or species or religion. We could be happy. And I was going to fight for that happiness. Davian deserved a life filled with love and freedom. He deserved to be happy, and I was going to provide that for him. I was going to do everything in my power to give him that life. Everything.

Because I loved him so deeply and I just...I just wanted him to be happy. I-I got him caught this time—even if it was unintentional...but once I saved him from Alton's clutches...I wasn't going to let him get caught again. I would rather die than allow that to happen.

I inhaled and ran my fingers through my hair, wincing as the strands brushed against the multitude of splinters. I then stared down at my hands, then up at the hole I had been working on. I took one more breath, ignoring the pain in my hands, and stepped back onto the table—determination a beacon in my heart as I continued to chip away.

A/N: I love how determined Cayden is to get to our little bean, Davian. Poor man just wants to live a simple life with the man he loves T-T.

Anywho, hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback! 

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