Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next day, I was pretty much a, well, a blob. I wasn't terribly talkative, and despite Cayden's best efforts to carry on a conversation with me...well, I just wasn't in the mood to talk. I could tell Cayden was worried about me, judging by all the looks the brunet man sent my way, throughout the morning, and I honestly felt guilty that I was causing him to feel such a way. But after my revelation the night prior...I don't know, I guess I didn't want anything to slip up and cause a strain on our budding friendship.

It was probably stupid on my part, to keep silent, even when Cayden wanted to talk, but honestly, I felt awkward from just being near him. Because, when he was near, all I could think about was how attractive he looked while lifting this, or moving that, then every nice, considerate thing he ever said to me would jump to the forefront of my mind, causing me to be a blubbering mess, and honestly it was beginning to become a lot for me to handle. Hell, I was never this awkward when I began feeling for Kavan, so why was Cayden so damn different? I already had a hard enough time with emotions, and this was just making it much more difficult for me than it needed to be.

Plus, it didn't help that Joana kept practically hanging all over him, giggling and asking all these obnoxious and irrelevant questions, and ugh!

Blinking, I looked down at the spoon I had snapped in half, and quickly hid it from view, embarrassed that I had somehow managed to break this crudely, yet functionally made thing. Gosh, I was surprised I was even able to snap it, considering I was about as strong as a leaf. One that was decaying. But gods, seeing Joana hanging all over Cayden, giggling and playing with his hair as he tried to move another crate aside, not bothering to push her really was making my blood boil.

Huffing in irritation, I placed my half-eaten lunch aside and dropped my head in my hands, wondering what the heck was wrong with me to have me so heated over something so simple?

"Are you alright, Davian? It appears as if something is bothering you."

Jumping at the sudden voice, I looked up from my hands to see Terry staring back at me, a worried frown on his pale, freckled face. I blushed darkly in embarrassment and awkwardly cleared my throat. "O-Oh, I'm ok. Just...feeling under the weather, is all."

Terry raised a row, clearly seeing through my vaporous lie before he turned his attention to where Cayden and Joana were; his violet eyes flashing with recognition. He then turned back towards me. "This is all starting to make a little more sense now. Explains why you were so adamant about me letting him go free." He tilted his head, causing those auburn curls to spill across his forehead. "You care for him."

I huffed and tore my eyes away, hating how perceptive the fae was. "My feelings are stupid, I know." I muttered, picking at my robes. There was no point in trying to cover anything up. Especially since Terry seemed to have the ability to see through all my lies.

The other man placed a pale hand on my knee and shook his head, looking sympathetic. "No, Davian, your feelings aren't stupid. The both of you had been thrown into the wilderness with no one but each other. Not to mention he had been kind to you, when such kindness had been rare to you. It's only natural that you've begun developing such feelings for him. You depend on him." He then frowned and searched my gaze. "I worry, though. Because he is royalty and will never see you in the same light that you do him. To him, you're just a lowborn, and Davian, you don't deserve to be in a relationship with someone who sees you as such. You're too kind, and softhearted to be thrown into such tragedy."

I jolted slightly when he reached forward and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his violet eyes growing soft. "You deserve much better than him, Davian." There was this strange, uneasy feeling that formed in me when he trailed his fingers down my jawline and stopped on my neck, his fingers like ice against my skin.

"Is everything alright over here?"

I couldn't even begin to describe the wave of relief that flooded through me at the sound of Cayden's voice as Terry pulled his hand back with a displeased frown on his face. He then masked it by making his face impassive, before he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest; the fae a couple inches shorter than Cayden.

"I don't see why anything wouldn't be," the fae responded, his eyes swimming with irritation that he had been "interrupted". "Unless you're displeased that I'm conversing with your "slave"." He moved closer to Cayden, nearly getting into his face, narrowing his eyes. "In which case, you can go screw off. Davian's his own person and is allowed to converse with whomever he wishes."

Cayden looked like he was about to go off on this shorter man, however, he managed to keep his cool as he stared down at Terry; fists clenched at his sides. "I understand that. I only came over here because he looked distressed, and I was worried. That is all."

Terry snorted and pursed his lips before he glanced back towards me. "If you need anything at all, Davian, you know where to find me."

And with that, he walked off, but not before shoulder-checking Cayden. Cayden rolled his eyes in annoyance, then settled down next to me and stared at me with an indescribable look in those chocolate-colored eyes. "What were the two of you talking about?" He wondered with a frown, his mere proximity causing my stomach in all the ways I didn't want it to. "He wasn't...trying to do anything, was he?"

I nibbled at my bottom lip and shook my head, wringing my hands together in my lap. "N-No, I don't think he was trying anything. And i-it's nothing, really. I just...I-I haven't been feeling well, a-and I guess he was just worried about me."

Cayden's frown deepened and he raised a hand, pressing it gently against my forehead, as if he were trying to determine my temperature. "Yeah, I've noticed you haven't been your normal self. Are you falling ill? Was it something you ate, perhaps? I could see if the camp carried any remedies that could help you feel better, if that's the case."

My heart warmed at his consideration, and I allowed a small smile to form on my lips as I glanced at him; silently taking note of the concern on that was on his face. "I'm ok. It's just a tummy ache, really. Probably something I ate."

"Are you sure? I-I wouldn't want you to be in any pain at all, if I can help it. Remember, you're not at the castle anymore...if you need any medicine, you can let me know, a-and I wouldn't ask for anything in return."

My smile grew and I gently patted his knee, enjoying the way Cayden's cheeks flushed at the contact. "Well, if I begin to feel any worse, you will be the first to know."

Cayden's expression softened and he nodded, seemingly relieved. "Good." He then seemed to remember something and straightened up, causing me to raise a brow in question when he turned his body towards me. "Oh! And I learned something about Joana you may find interesting. This whole time I believed she was trying to flirt with me because of her being all touchy-feely towards me, but it turns out, she has a major crush on Ira and is trying to make her jealous. Although, it is strange that she's using me to try to do that, when she holds no interest in men whatsoever."

My brows raised in a mix of relief and surprise, as I stared at the other man. "Oh really? That's quite the dramatic revelation."

Cayden chuckled and leaned back, nodding his head in agreement. "I know right? Shocked me quite a bit." He then nibbled at his bottom lip mischievously and glanced at me from the corners of his eyes. "Now you don't have to feel jealous of her."

My face burned as I smacked the laughing man on the stomach, though there was a small smile on his face. "I was n-never jealous!"

Cayden snorted and grabbed my hand when I went to playfully smack him again, his gaze pinned to mine as he raised his brows. "Sure, you weren't. Totally not jealous."

I couldn't help it and ended up laughing as I shook my head, the warm feeling growing more intense as Cayden stared at me with the sweetest smile, I've ever seen on him. And you know what? Maybe...Maybe it was ok to crush on him, especially since he seemed so concerned for my wellbeing. That didn't mean I would ever act upon it since I doubted he would ever feel the same way about me. I mean, gods, Cayden was royalty, and I was just...boring old me. Terry was at least right in that aspect.

But as long as Cayden stayed with me like he planned, even if all he saw me as was that of a friend, I-I guess I would be content with that.

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