Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Pain reverberated throughout my body as I struggled to move to the door. My legs were wobbling and sweat dripped down my forehead, but I was determined to get where I needed to be. After all, even with Drakell helping Cayden...with the amount of people Alton brought with him, I doubted they would be able to defend themselves for long. Which is why I needed to hurry up and move this broken body of mine. Because they needed me. They needed my magic. And if I could help them, we could run from Alton's group and not stop until we felt that we were in the clear.

Once I made it to the door, I opened it and leaned against the doorframe, taking in huge breaths of air before I pushed away from it and began stumbling down the hall. I used the walls for support, and I loathed how slow I was going...but I was getting there. Sooner or later, I was going to be in the fray a-and I could help Cayden.

"Hey! Over there!"

My heart jumped into my throat as my attention shifted to the two guards down the hallway, my palms slick with sweat as they began rushing towards me. My blood sounded loud as it rushed below my skin and I desperately willed that power deep within me to come forth to protect me. I tried to pull from the fear and desperation I had felt when I subdued Terry's group, and from within me...I felt that familiar spark. Looking down at my hands, I could see the faint, red glow of magic sparking at my fingertips, and with determination, I thrusted my hand forward and willed the two chasing me to blast away.

At first, nothing happened. Fear climbed up my spine and for a moment, I wondered if I had enough in me to be able to do this. I had been injured severely, after all. Maybe my resources weren't...full as of yet.

However, as the thoughts crossed my mind, it happened. A sharp light of red darted towards the both of them, slamming them right in the chest and causing them to fly back against one of the walls. I tried not to flinch as I heard the sickening crack of bones and continued my search for the others.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

As long as I focused, I could save us.

I turned a corner and finally caught sight of Drakell—who was in the middle of taking on five soldiers by himself. Like a warrior unmatched in skill, I watched him duck as a tall elf slashed his broadsword towards him, only for Drakell to duck skillfully before driving his own sword into his chest. The elf stumbled back, choking on his own blood...but that didn't stop the other four who launched towards my brother. A female ork with dark green, tawny skin stuck towards him with her fist, leading him to duck, grab her wrist, and spin her around to where she met her end by her own ally. Sword in her chest, she looked at her companion in disbelief before she fell, staining the wooden floor with her blood.

The one who had stabbed her—a short human woman with cropped hair—blanched before she swung her bloodied sword towards Drakell. He parried it with his own weapon and stuck out towards her, only to be stopped by another male elf. The elf blocked his sword with a dagger and, as quick as lightning, struck towards Drakell's face. Drakell somehow knew exactly what the other man was doing and ducked back just enough for the dagger to only leave a small, hairline cut—right on his jaw.

Drakell was doing so well in this fight—holding off on his own with a skill I would probably never possess. And for a moment, I was impressed. Until I caught sight of the fifth opponent, who stood off to the side with his arms crossed—just watching the scene unfolding in front of him. He was tall, with skin as dark as ink and littered with golden tattoos. His hair was blond and hung in long braids down his back, but...I could see the two giant horns that curled out of his head, indicating his draconic heritage.

Why was he just standing aside and watching the fight go on? Why was he not helping his companions? Was he against fighting the prince of his kind? Was he merely waiting for an opportunity to strike? Just what the hell was he waiting for?

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