Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You know...I'm beginning to wonder if this so-called rebellion is even doing anything."

I glanced over to Cayden from where I was laying, a tired "oh?" leaving my lips as the other man stare up at the roof of our shared tent. It was dark out, the camp quiet and the only sounds being that of Cayden and I breathing, and the cacophony of crickets beyond the tent's fabric walls. Yet, despite it being so late in the night, Cayden nor I could find solace in sleep, no matter how hard we tried.

Cayden shifted onto his side, facing me as he continued on. "I mean, think about it. We've been here nearly a week now, and there has been no word of any upcoming attacks, or even a plan to move the camp. It feels like we're just sitting here, twiddling our thumbs until something happens. It's incredibly offputting.

I nibbled at my bottom lip and shifted onto a more comfortable position, feeling as if Cayden was on to something. " is strange that we haven't done anything yet. Maybe...they're waiting for word on other groups?"

"I wondered the same thing, but it doesn't feel right that they've been in one place for so long. I mean, if I had just attacked a castle, I would want to disappear as quickly as I could. Not sit around and wait for their armies to find us. It just seems odd."

I sighed. "You're right. I'd hate to think something is amiss...especially when they're trying to free slaves and make the world a better place...but its unusual at their lack of precautions." I then fell silent for a moment, nibbling at my bottom lip. "Do...Do you suggest we leave before Alton's army finds this place? I-I mean, I've waited my whole life to be able to be a part of something like this...but if it risks me falling back into the arms o-of Alton...I'd rather not overstay my welcome."

"I don't want you to go back to my father either," the other man spoke up, his voice so soft it was nearly inaudible. The silence ten grew between us, and after a few minutes, I began wondering if Cayden had fallen asleep. I was proved wrong, however, when he suddenly spoke, his tone...hesitant. "May I ask you something, Davian? Y-You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable, but..." he cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable as a bad feeling began to climb up my spine, "there are rumors, a-at the castle, a-and people are saying that my father...that you were just a child and I-I want to know if the rumors hold any truth."

My blood ran cold as shame poured over me, causing my heart to feel like lead as I gulped uncomfortably, my mind trying to come up with an excuse, o-or something.

I was silent a lot longer than I anticipated, and I could hear Cayden shifting as he began sputtering. "I-I'm so sorry if that was insensitive, I-I seem so adamant about staying away from my father, a-and I know he's an incredible jerk to be...well, anywhere near his presence...a-and, um..."

"The rumors are true," I whispered, giving up on trying to come up with a lie. Cayden immediately shut his mouth as I shifted to face him, unable to clearly see the look on his face. "I...I was only seven when your father...well...when he began to use me i-in such a way. And I still don't understand why. I-I mean, at that age...I still believed in silly things like magic, a-and the tooth fairy..." my eyes began to burn as I recalled those painful memories, my heart aching as if someone had pierced a knife through it. "H-He ripped that innocence away from me and I-I felt filthy a-and used, a-and I began to hate myself and my existence on this planet. I hated everything about myself a-and felt uncomfortable in my own skin..."

When I began crying, I heard Cayden move and felt the bed next to me shift, his warm arms wrapping around me in an attempt to comfort me. Which, I truly did appreciate as I let him pull my head to his chest, his hands curling around me to rub at my back.

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