Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I-I didn't know what to say. Cayden had just confessed his feelings to me and even though I had an inkling that the one he had feelings for was was an entirely different thing hearing such words uttered from his own lips. Almost, surreal in a way.

Cayden loved me. And according to him...he always had. Such a revelation flabbergasted me, especially since he used to be so harsh towards me when we were growing up. Sure, he hadn't been as bad as some of his noble friends had been, but he still wasn't exactly a saint himself, either. Had he just been hiding his feelings behind cruel name-calling and rudeness?

I nibbled at my bottom lip and glanced at the man in question; his dark eyes having not left my form. "H-How long have...have you been in love with me?" I wondered as I gazed deeply into his eyes, trying to subtly understand what he was feeling. Eyes were the gateway to the soul, after all.

He shyly glanced away, though that didn't stop me from seeing the way his cheeks darkened with a blush. "I've been in love with you since I was twelve. I-I even remember the day, too. You were working on the garden while my cousins and I were playing ball outside...and I remember kicking the ball too close to the garden and when I went to retrieve it, there you were, staring at the roses as if they would one day swoop you up and take you away to a better place. And I remember thinking how beautiful you looked almost...unworldly with the way the sun hit you. I-I fell for you hard, right then and there."

I glanced to the side, trying to recall the memory. After a moment, a flash came to the forefront of my mind of me staring at white roses after a particular bad day with Alton. He had been rough with me that day, having tried out a new way to bring himself pleasure. Turned out he liked biting me. But I remember going to that garden and wishing the earth would just swallow me up and suffocate me so I wouldn't have to deal with Alton and his cruelty anymore. I was only ten, then. And...I also remember hearing the grass being disturbed as a ball rolled towards me.

"You looked shellshocked, if I remember correctly," I spoke with a small smile, "like you had seen a ghost or something. I did wonder why you looked at me in such a strange way."

Cayden's cheeks darkened even more as he dragged a hand down his face, groaning in the meat of his hand. "Surely I didn't really look at you like that, right?"

I snorted and rolled closer to him, not really minding the way the grass dug into my body. "You really did. I just thought you were being weird."

Cayden pulled his face away from his hands with a chuckle before he stared at me, eyes soft as he lifted his hand and brushed a few strands of my hair behind my ear. He then opened his mouth, as if he were about to say something else, when we heard leaves being crunched from outside our little hidden oasis. My heart hammering in my chest, the both of us quickly sat up and listened for anything more, my eyes wide. After a moment, there was another crunch and before I could say anything, Cayden was hastily fastening his trousers before he began walking towards the entrance, not bothering with a shirt. He then peeked out from behind the vine wall, and even stepped out, but after a moment, he returned with pinched brows and a frown on his face.

"Was someone out there?" I wondered, my heart still beating wildly.

Cayden glanced at me, still with furrowed brows, and shook his head, seemingly unsure. "I didn't see anyone, nor see any prints in the dirt. I...assume it was just an animal of some kind. Probably a fox, or a coyote or a deer or something." He then sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Guess that's the gods' way of telling us we should probably head back to the camp, so Terry doesn't get suspicious."

I frowned at that and stood up, stooping for a moment to grab my robes. "Wouldn't it be safer if we avoid going back? If Terry is after you..." I shook my head. "I would feel comfortable not risking it. Besides, I don't think he knows where we are at the moment."

I nibbled at the inside of my cheek when Cayden walked over and caressed my neck, a small half-smile forming on his lips. "I'm a little weary about leaving in broad daylight, if I'm being honest. Terry has a few hunting parties heading out today to gather food...and I'm sure he has informed them to be on the lookout for us. Besides, he...he has a strange obsession with you, and I doubt he likes leaving you out of his sight for too long." He pressed a gentle kiss against the corner of my lips. "I would feel better leaving under the cover of darkness."

I sighed and searched his gaze. I honestly thought it was better to leave now while we could...but Cayden seemed so sure it would benefit us to leave at night, and he was the one with more experience at this kind of thing than me. Well, not the sneaking away part...unless he was the type to sneak out at night and meet up to frolic. I honestly didn't know. But, if he said it was better to leave in the cover of night, I should feel inclined to believe him. After all, after what we did and his confession...I highly doubted he would deliberately put us in a position to be caught or even harmed.

So, with a breath, I nodded my head, earning a soft kiss from the other man. "If you truly think that to be the best course of action...I will follow you." I pulled away long enough to get dressed before I nibbled at my bottom lip and wrapped my arms around myself. "I just really don't want to be in Terry's sights any longer than I have to. Especially if he's truly so evil."

"He's a creep," Cayden pointed out, oh so eloquently. "And I really don't like the way he looks at you; as if he's about to devour a snack, or something. It's creepy."

I furrowed my brows and glanced at him. "He really looks at me like that?"

Cayden nodded his head and pursed his lips. "You don't see it? They guy was basically trying to feel you up last night while I was helping Joana."

I frowned and thought back to when Terry had put his hand on my knee. Then I remembered the way he had leaned closer to me, nearly getting into my personal space...ok, I could see it now. I shivered. "I didn't think he was trying to feel me up at first, but now that you pointed out his intentions...I can see it clearly now. And ew."

"See? I want to get away just as fast as you do, but I'd rather we do it safely."

I watched Cayden as he gave me a small smile before he gestured to the vine wall, silently indicating that we should probably go ahead and go, before it gets too late. Huffing, I took one last moment to look around this beautiful place, silently telling it goodbye before I wrapped my arms around myself and began walking forward; though, Cayden did make sure to check if the coast was clear before we left the oasis.

And on the journey back, we held a bit of conversation; mostly memories from the past and Cayden sharing the times he admired me from afar. I should have enjoyed the new information he gave me, and probably should have felt flattered how he saw me, even back then. But I couldn't help but feel anxious for the night to come, when we would finally leave this place for good.

What then? After we leave, Terry was no doubt still going to put his plan into motion and kill off the royal families. And with Cayden still out there, I was sure he was going to hunt him down until he was able to finish the job. So, what the hell were we going to do once we leave this place? Leave him to carry out his plan? Should we take him out and risk the entire camp seeking revenge? Do nothing at all and hope Terry never finds us? I-I mean, we could probably go to the Elven lands, or even to the Dwarven lands, but if he were friends with the rebellions there that were on the same mission as him, it would be for naught.

I sighed mentally and glanced at Cayden as he talked about the time, he streaked down the castle halls in nothing more than the flesh he was born with...and wondered how we were going to do this. And how we were going to ensure Cayden's safety.

A/N: Annnnnnd here's the second chapter for todayyyyy! Things are starting to get a lil crazayyyyyy. I wonder how their little "escape plan" is gonna work 0.o Will they succeedddddd? Will they fail? Who knowssssssss!

Anywhoooo, hope you all enjoyed the chapters! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback! XD

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