Chapter Thirty

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All my attention was on Terry as he talked amongst the camp personnel, my palms sweating in anxiety as I waited for Cayden to return. And Terry wasn't really doing much, other than muttering something here and there towards someone, and it made me wonder if he was telling them his grand plan. If he was...then the whole camp will be after us and that thought settled unpleasantly in the back of my mind. We already were weary of Alton's armies coming after us, and to add the entirety of this small pocket of rebellion to that mix? We would have to flee to an entirely different continent in order to get away, and that was if the other rebellion groups weren't on the hunt for us as well.

Gods, Cayden and I were in deep, weren't we?

My posture tensed when I saw Terry moving away from the group of people he had been talking to, the fae now heading towards his tent as my heart-rate picked up speed. No, no, no! I thought to myself as I made an executive decision and made a move to intercept him, his violet eyes snapping to me once I got close enough.

"Davian," he greeted, thankfully halting his steps as he regarded me curiously. "Is there something you need?"

I nibbled at the inside of my cheek, feeling lightheaded. "A-Actually, I-I wanted to talk about this grand plan you mentioned earlier today. I-I know you said you would tell us when you were able to finalize things with the other rebellion groups...but I-I can't help but be a little anxious. I mean, I'm a royal slave...or, well, was a royal slave. I was Alton's prized possession, and I've no doubt he's going to hunt me down until he either finds me, or my body. S-So is there any way you would be willing to inform me what you're planning? If only to e-ease my nerves a little bit."

Terry stared at me, though I couldn't quite place the emotion on his face as he tilted my head, seemingly reading me. He then raised a brow and sighed, before gesturing to his tent. "Well, if you're that worried, follow me and I'll give you just a small piece of what I intend to do.

My heart began hurting as it sped in my chest, slamming against my ribs painfully as my panic began to rise. Gods, come on! I grabbed his wrist before I could think, causing him to glance back at me with raised brows. "I-Is this something you can't say here? I-I mean, these are your people, surely whatever your plans are can be said out in the open, right?"

Subtly, Terry's eyes narrowed. "Actually, it's incredibly confidential. And I'd rather not have my people worry over a half-finished plan. I'd prefer to have the full thing in mind before I tell anyone else."

Already feeling disgusted with myself, I resorted to the last option and moved closer to him, pressing my body against his side as I lowered my eyes in an attempt to look bashful. "I-If you're that worried about your plan being overheard...why...why not come to my tent, then? It's the furthest away from listening ears..."

I could feel the way Terry tensed under my hand, my eyes pinned to the ground before I glanced up at the fae, hoping he would take the bait. Gods I didn't want to resort to this...but I really didn't want him to walk in on Cayden messing through his stuff. I had to get him away, and of course this was the first damn thing my mind came up with.

However, despite the doubt in my mind, Terry gradually relaxed, his eyes on me before he slowly nodded his head. I cleared my throat and began leading him towards my assigned tent; the feeling of dread hanging over me like a blanket made out of lead. My palms were sweating profusely, and I could swear I felt a bead of sweat trailing down the side of my face as we moved further away from his tent. I wasn't quite sure what would happen once Terry and I were away from prying eyes...but I just prayed to the gods it didn't get past anything I didn't want it to get past.

By the time we were in my tent, I felt faint, as if I would pass out at any given moment. Terry was still behind me; I could feel his body heat emanating towards me, and after a moment, I tensed when he moved closer to me, pacing his hands on my waist as his lips brushed against the shell of my ear. My heart was loud in my ears, my gut clenched painfully with unease as I felt Terry's hot breath against the sensitive skin there. "What the hell are you planning, Davian?"

Ice flooded through my body as fear replaced the dread forming within me, my breath coming out shaky as I gulped; still not turning around to face the other man. "W-What do you mean?"

I gasped as Terry whipped me around to face him, his eyes narrowed, and his lips pulled in a tight frown. "First, you and that little prince of yours disappear for hours on end, and now that he's gone yet again, you invite me into your tent." He tilted his head, his grip tightening almost painfully around my upper arms. "So, I'll ask you again; what are you planning?"

My heart was painful inside of my chest; frantically beating as I attempted to think of a decent, believable lie. had he found out? Did someone see Cayden and I emerge from the forest together, or something? Or was Terry a hell of a lot smarter than Cayden and I anticipated? Gods, how was I going to get out of this?

"I-I honestly don't know what you're talking about," I started off lamely, my body shaking as Terry began to walk closer and closer to me, causing me to back up until the back of my knees hit my cot, causing me to fall back onto it.

Terry thankfully didn't pursue any further. Instead, he stood at the edge of the cot with arms crossed over his chest, a sneer now making its way onto his face as he stared down at me. "I saw the two of you, you know, frolicking around by that spring. And now that you're back, he's mysteriously disappeared yet again while you insist on getting me into your tent." My heart was pounding in my chest, my vision swimming as my fear tried to make me pass out. "I know you're planning something. You and your little prince. And you may not tell me what that plan is, yet...but mark my words, Davian, I will find out, and if I come think you're selling us out to that bastard king of yours...well, let's just say you and your prince are expendable."

He continued to stare at me for what felt like a millennium, before he inclined his head towards me and left the tent, leaving me to lean over the edge of the cot as I expended everything I had eaten today. Tears swam in my vision as I heaved, my body shaking as it expelled everything it could. Terry knew. He had to know. Why else would he threaten Cayden and I like this?

Not to mention he claimed he saw Cayden and I...

My mind snapped to the crunching leaves we had heard before we had left the alcove. Had that been Terry? But he was gone when Cayden went to check; surely, he couldn't be that fast...right?

My heart then clenched tightly. Cayden. H-He was still in the tent a-and I just let Terry walk out of my sight! Just as I went to jump off of the cot on shaky legs, the flap to my tent opened and it was like I was bathed in an ocean of relief, upon seeing Cayden's face; his brows pinching with worry when he saw the dreadful state I was in.

"What happened? I saw Terry leaving not too long ago; that bastard didn't do anything to harm you, right? Because if he did..."

Cayden gasped when I launched at him and hugged him tightly, my arms around his chest as I continued to shaky, causing Cayden to wrap his arms around me as he began to soothingly rub my back. "He didn't h-hurt me," I spoke, my voice shaky, "but I-I think he knows. A-About the plan, I mean." I drew in a shaky breath, pulling away far enough to look Cayden in the eyes. "H-He also saw us. He was the noise we heard."

I didn't have to elaborate further for Cayden to catch on, those warm, chocolate-colored eyes narrowing before his grip tightened on me; thankfully, his grip more comforting than painful. "It'll be ok, Davian. We won't have to deal with that bastard for much longer." He pulled away from me and pulled a folded, worn piece of paper out of his back pocket. "I have the map, and it has a couple of smaller camps marked on it that we can avoid." He pulled me back in his arms, the scent of him comforting to me. "We're going to be ok, Davian."

Gods, I prayed he was right.

A/N: One chapter for now, though I may post another one either later tonight, or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow, though, since I have more free time then to finish chapter 31 lol. Although! I'm fleshing out the BbC world a little bit by designing some of their gods and stuff, and so far I have 3 of their deities designed and named. I just gotta draw them an official drawing or something lol.

 In any case, hope you all enjoyed the chapter!! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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