He grows worried so he decided to get his attention which took him a minute or two. Izuku is so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even notice it.


Izuku snapped out of his thoughts. Finally recognizing Katsuki's presence beside him.

"Kacchan?" he blurted out.

"Finally, you finally look at me. What's wrong babe? Do you have any concerns?" Katsuki asked him. Worry is evident on his tone.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me Kacchan. I am just feeling nervous about going out. Like telling our parents about our sexual preference and our relationship." He said while fidgeting.

Katsuki then let out a sigh. He already expected this. Deku just worry about everything. Even though he already assured him a few times before they head out.

"Deku, how many times do I have to tell you that everything is going to be fine. The Old Hag knows about my feelings for you because I asked her about it and she is even happy about it and is looking forward to the day that I will make you mine. For my father, no need to worry about that Old Man. He knows me from the start. He might not be aggressive like my Mother, he knows me as much as my Mom knows me. As for your Mom, she loves you too much. She will definitely understand." He said then gave Izuku a comforting smile.

Izuku then calm down for a bit atleast until they are at the front door of his house. He is literally feeling like he is gonna throw up. If Katsuki didn't drag him inside their house, he might have thrown up his guts already.

Minutes later after a heartwarming greetings, they started their dinner and just talking about a lot of things. The couple keeps on looking for a perfect time to open up the topic to their parents and the time has come.

"Izuku? You look kinda pale. Are you okay?" Inko asked her son.

Izuku was kinda startled but he answered nevertheless.

"Yes Mom. Actually, there is something we need to tell you." He started.

"Oh? What is it?" this time it was Mitsuki who asked.


"Hag, Old Man, Auntie, the thing is, Deku and I were both gay and that we are dating." Katsuki said that it takes almost 2 minutes before the others recover from their shocked.

"Who confessed first?" Mitsuki asked after a moment of silence.

"Huh?" Izuku was surprised to their reaction.

"Yeah, who confessed first?" inko was the one who asked this time. Both Mothers got stars on their eyes like they are expecting something.

"A-Ah, it's me." Izuku shyly answered.

"WHAT?" Mitsuki shouted.

"Hon calm down."

"Yey! Mitsuki, you owe me!" Inko said happily.

"You brat! You let Izuku confess first when I told you to confess right away? You are my son but you are kinda slow. I hope he is not the one who asked you out?" Mitsuki said feeling stress.

"Shut up Hag! I was planning to confess in the morning but that night, Deku suddenly decided to confess! And I am the one who asked him out!" Katsuki angrily said and they started arguing.

Amidst the chaos, Izuku is talking to Masaru.

"Izuku, congratulation with your relationship with Katsuki. Please take care of him. I didn't expect you to be in a relationship with him. To be honest, I was close to giving up." He said while shaking his head. Izuku just smiled and thank him for accepting them. Minutes later, both Moms accepted both of them and gave them a lot of advices that Masaru need to intervene for them to stop.

"Come to think of it, I am confident that Izuku will confess but I am expecting that someone might have given you a little push?" Inko said turning her head to Izuku.

"Ah well, Kacchan, you remember when Todoroki drag me out of the classroom? He actually advise me to confess already. A lot of them actually tried. Even Uraraka. She keeps on pushing me to just confess and she even tried making Kacchan jealous." Izuku said while laughing nervously. He just realize that he out his best friend's efforts.

"Hah! That half and half and round face!" Katsuki said. Well, he is not really mad. Izuku just laugh while Mitsuki reprimand Katsuki for calling his classmates names and they started arguing once again.

After that talk, they decided to stay for the night because it is already late when they finished talking. Nevertheless, Izuku and Katsuki were both happy about what happened. They were both accepted and everything is well.


1394 words

Next Chapter: 20 I love You, Forever

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