Branch had a "whatever face".

🎵Ohhhhhh, It's a jungle out here!🎵

🎵Ohhhhh, It's a jungle out here!🎵

🎵Ohhhhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh,
It's a jungle out here🎵

That's when all the Hybrid Trolls (Maddie, Carlos, Shift, and Mina) started to join in.

🐺You gotta learn to run, before you walk🐺
Carlos started to taught towards Branch
"But I DO!" Branch shouted

🦎You've gotta act tough, even when your not🦎
Shift turned the color of his skin to red shades towards Branch (indicating Anger, but also it could be a way to show your tough)

🐍You gotta believe, that you're all you need🐍
Maddie Sang while Branch was petrified that she may bite him.
"But I need my supplies to—AH!"

🕊You've got to let go of all your fear,
cause it's a Jungle out here🕊
Mina sang and everyone was dancing with Hickory.

🎵So you come from a place
where everything is pretty🎵

🎵And the lights are all to bright,
And you live your life inside🎵

🎵Oh, How do you survive?🎵

And then the rest of the Trolls came in to join! Dancing beside the trees.

"Take a look, and Take a chance"

"Take a moment and you will understand"

"It's a Jungle out here,
Oh it's a jungle out here,
But there's no reason to be scared,
It's just a Jungle out here!"

"Ohhhhh, It's a Jungle out here!
Ohhhhh, It's a Jungle out here!"

"ENOUGH!" Branch yelled at the top of his lungs.
I can't talk anymore, I'm all out of breath"
Branch said collapsing onto the forest floor.

"Let's continue!" Cooper shouted

🎵Can you feel it, moving around you?
Can you feel it? It's all around you🎵

🎵Can you feel it? Can you feel it, Can you feel it?
Can you feel it, Can you feel it?
Ohhhh, yeah, yeah🎵

"Take a moment, and Take a chance"

"Take a moment and you will understand"

"It's a jungle out here,
Oh, It's a jungle out here"

"But there's no reason to be scared,
It's just a Jungle out here!"

"Ohhhhh, It's a Jungle out here!
Ohhhhh, It's a Jungle out here!"

"But there's no reason to be scared,
It's just a jungle out here!"

"Ohhhhh, It's a jungle out here
Ohhhhh, It's a jungle out here!
Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh"

"Ohhhhh, It's a jungle out hereOhhhhh, It's a jungle out here!Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh"

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(From George_Beard: Tropical Getaway)

Hickory finished the last note and asked Branch:
"So, Do you understand?"

Branch got up and said:
"Well, I still think this "paradise" island, is still an Island of doom!"

The Trolls slapped their faces.

"Because we don't have our supplies!

"Food, Water, Shelter? We found them."
Mina interrupted Branch's sentence raising her wing, along with Shift, Carlos, and Maddie raising their hands.

"You DID?!" Branch said shocked.

"Follow Maddie, she knows where we can sleep. It's getting dark. While the rest of us, where gonna find something special."
Mina said pointing to Maddie.

"Follow Me! Don't lose your eyes on me!"
Maddie shouted to the Trolls.

"How could we lose her? She's a snake!"
Branch whispered to himself.

As all the Trolls started walking away with Maddie, Mina, Shift, and Carlos went the other way, to do something.

As all the Trolls started walking away with Maddie, Mina, Shift, and Carlos went the other way, to do something

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"You know, you could off told them the truth."
Carlos said as Mina was finishing the SOS sign.

"I know, it's just. I don't want them to think I'm not fun, or cool." Mina said back.

"Hey! Everyone has some quirks. But that doesn't mean you have to judge them." Carlos said.

"Hey Shift! Is it done?" Carlos shouted towards Shift who was working on something.

"It's ready!" Shift said holding the "something".

"Perfect." Mina whispered.

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