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"WHO DID IT?!" Ushiwaka sensei yells his face as red as a tomato.

Hana now admits it, she doesn't stop them tormenting professor Ushiwaka because she likes seeing him angry, he looks like he's about ready to explode.

Their group tried their best to hide their smiles, but Shin didn't seem to care because he blatantly smirks at Ushiwaka. (y'all... I FORGOT THE HEAD TEACHERS NAME TT)

But it seems the presence of three teachers in front of them didn't scare them one bit, because they continued to do their business, making noises and playing.

The Head Teacher's pet, whatever his name was, protested to Yamaguchi and told her to do something.

Hana rolls her eyes seeing this.

"but do you have the goods on them?" silence followed, realizing her slip of the tongue -again- she rephrase her question.

"I mean, evidence that they did it?" realizing they have the upper hand, everyone agreed.

The Headteacher, however, grinned. Walking closer in front of them.

"the evidence is... here!" he exclaims point on to the paint drippings on the floor.

Hana, face palms, still surprised they're that dumb to be caught so quickly.

Done with their BS, the head teacher returns to the front desk and slams his palms on it.

"Who did it?!"

Kuma also retorts with a slam on the desk and says, "I told you, we don't know!"

"even if we did, we'd never sell out our friends." Uchi counters, Yamaguchi seemed impressed with this statement. Knowing her, she'd always like to emphasize that compassion is important and that people should cherish their friends or people around them.

"you guys, understand duty and compassion huh?"

Bored with all the back and forth conversing, Hana yawns, her eyes becoming droopy.

But instead of sleeping like usual, Hana thought back to the time Minami asked for her help.

"uh... Hana-chan. May I ask you something?" Minami suddenly pulls Hana aside and away from their friends.

Minami doesn't usually act so suspicious so Hana nods, quite curious herself.

"Since you're a girl, I wanted to ask you what girls like." Hana's lips thin out at this.

Honestly, speaking she's never gone on a date before, probably because she was too busy sleeping the whole class and no one would dare ask her out except that one annoying guy.

Uchi noticed the absence of Minami's usual obnoxious voice and Hana's silent steps. So he looks back, only to see Hana awkwardly smiling.

He thought the sight was hilarious so he went and called out to his friends.

"Oi!" gaining their attention he points out to Hana and Minami.

Wrong timing though 'cause what greeted them was Minami on his knees, begging Hana to answer, that didn't look like it in their perspective though.

"what the fuck is he doing?" Shin angrily asks, marching to them.

Noda and Uchi share a stare, suspicions of Shin's intentions arising.

"Oi! Minami!" Hana didn't like Shin's tone at all, it sounded like trouble so she hurriedly answer Minami's question.

"do I look like I've been to dates?"

"eh?" her friends suddenly blurts out, not quite processing what she said.

"what do you mean?" Noda asks, the three, Kuma, Noda, and Uchi hearing her earlier question.

"I've never been on a date. In fact, since I've arrived in Japan I've never talked to guys, till I met you guys." this made their jaws leave hanging for several minutes till they finally snaps when Hana snaps a finger at them.

"you've never dated?!" Minami cries out, falling to his knees while clutching his chest.

Hana raised an eyebrow at him, "you're so dramatic." she says, rolling her eyes.

Hearing this Minami immediately stands up, "but who will I ask for advice now?!"

Shin grew confused at this, "advice?"

"he was asking for my advice, he asked some girl out to date," Hana explains, rolling her eyes again.

That girl is bad news, she can tell. She once saw that girl making out with a guy at the back of the school building.

Shin slowly processes this, not being able to stop his face from heating up.

'I can't believe I got angry at the thought of Minami asking Hana out.' he thought, walking away to hide his face.

"ALL OF YOU WILL BE DETAINED TODAY!" just that sentence woke her up.

"wtf?!" and with Hana's reaction, a chain started.

No matter how much they complained the two teachers wouldn't hear it, they ended up leaving Kumiko in charge till the 'culprit' confess.

"man this sucks." is all Hana could say, banging her head on her desk.

Her sister was startled by the noise and immediately checked on her.

"Hana-chan are you alright?!" Kumiko continued fussing over her until Hana finally tilted her head and nodded.

"I just wanna go home."

"but no one still has confessed." thinking, Kumiko stalks to the platform and faces them.

"I suppose it can't be helped. Since you guys are all friends." everyone immediately reacted negatively.

But soon they are silenced by Shin.

Hana could see that statement irked Shin, she even scoots far from him when he kicks the table in front of him.

"friends? Don't use that word so easily." then he leaves, leaving Kumiko who's calling out to him, and a confused Hana.

'what happened in the past for him to act like this?'


"This is driving me nuts." That is all Hana could exclaim when her classmates don't seem too kin to confess.

He didn't want to betray their trust and tell on them tho, but she could also see her sister is growing tired of this.

She walks to her sister and sits at her table. Surprisingly Kumiko doesn't nag her and instead chats.

"I'm impressed by everyone's perseverance. It's admirable that no one has talked so far."

Hana's lips thin out at this, knowing she has the answer pressures her, she doesn't work well with pressure at all...

"I'm also surprised you hadn't ratted them out Hana-chan, it's nice to see you getting along with them."

Hana sighs in relief at this, she honestly expected her sister to react like this, considering her attitude...

"well... what can I say, they're sort of growing on me..."


"yoshaa!!" and there goes Minami.

He's probably going to meet Ayumi...-chan. I hate how cute 'chan' sounds.

And off he goes...

"where are you going?" Hana, face palms, how could she forget? Her sister's still here.

Long story short Minami managed to escape with the help of his 'friends' and left.

The chaos has not started yet though, with Shin knowing something his friends don't.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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