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And it's finally time to go back to school! I wanna sleep and... Hana thought she was done with today's misery.

She didn't even realize she was far ahead of the others, casually walking to the gym's entrance.

Her train of thought however is later replaced by her sister's voice.

"wait, the hell is she doing?" Hana asks herself as she sees her sister climb the podium.

"all right, you guys. Now listen very carefully." oh shit, she's doing the worst I've imagined her to do. Hana thought in grief.

Honestly with her sister's attitude she had a lot of scenarios in her head, stuck to torment her and give her second-hand embarrassment. Cause who doesn't want that?

"Indeed, the 3-D class is a hopeless case." she grimaces at this and tries to peek at her friend's reaction, but because she's behind all the students it became impossible.

"But I happen to become the homeroom teacher to that class. This must be fate. You guys, I'll take good care of you till the end." Kumiko made eye contact with Shin in her speech.

Her proud expression didn't waver even when Shin just stares at her with much hatred as he had and left, his friend trailing after him.

Kuma hesitates, with how much Kumiko helped him he still hesitates to take her side. I guess her help wasn't enough for him to change his perspective of teachers.

"No matter what happens, I'll make sure that every one of you graduates." Kumiko says firmly, wanting her determination to reach them.

This time her gaze fell on her sister, Hana, who stands before Shin's company, staring at her with an unreadable expression.

When Hana sees her sister's gaze on her though, she smiles, a genuine one. Boosting her self-esteem more.

They all look back, not the least bit interested in her proclamation.

They walk out of the gym, dragging Hana out of it too.

"Man, thought I'd be sick staying there. Did y'all smell that place? Full of hormonal teenagers." Hana makes a face, clearly not pleased to be in a room full of boys.

"hey! We're also boys!" Minami exclaims, offended with her comment.

Hana looks back from the front, giving them a lazy smile.



The next day like every other day, they give their prayers and respects to their deceased family members.

Hana was used to living a traditional life by now, she's used to the formal way of their actions even when she sometimes finds it bothersome.

"Hana-chan!" she looks back at her sister, who greets her a good morning.

Hana smiles, "Nii-chan, how many times do I have to tell you not to add 'chan'. I don't like the sound of it." Hana pouts, showing her dislike.

Kumiko only laughs at her and wraps her arms around her shoulder, "you know, you should really start to get used to our ways."

Hana knew her sister was right, but the only memory of her having a life there in London with her Grandma stops her. She didn't want the only reminder of her existence there to exit her memories too.

"I love the way I am." she says instead, subtly hinting she didn't want to change.

"How have you been by the way? I've been seeing Shin and his company always by your side. Perhaps one of them is your boyfriend?" Kumiko says, attempting to tease her little sister.

Sis, I love you and all but you look into things too much.

"no, of course not, they're my friends." Hana exclaims, grimacing when she sees the look her new family wore when they heard the word boyfriend.

"Surely you're interested in one of them."

Yeah, I am, but it looks like he's more interested in you.

Hana smiles in reply, not wanting to continue the conversation.

When Kumiko sees her sister walking to her room again to prepare she frowns.

"I definitely saw Shin and Hana getting cozy though. Was it just my imagination?" 

The irony.

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