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"don't toss the money your parents earned!" Kumiko yells, making Hana snap back to reality.

"hmm? Did I miss a chapter?" she asks, earning confused stares from both the boys and Kumiko.

"oh... I did." they chose to ignore her, although Kumiko gave her a worried glance before giving her attention to the boys again.

"well, at least you're willing to pay." Hana sees Kumiko picking up a coin from the ground.

Hana moves closer to see a 500 yen on her hand, amazed Hana took it to take a closer look.

"Woah, so this is how a 3 pound looks like huh?" she gives it back to Kumiko when she sees her opening her palm.

"you haven't seen a 500 yen?" Noda asks, coming closer to her.

She laughs and scratches her nape, "yep, it sounds crazy huh? I've studied that shit all my life but never saw a poun-- I mean yen in person. For the record, I've only been here for days."

They all nod, understanding her reasoning.

"Anyway, all of you give me 500 yen. Hai~ very good."

Hana noticed Shin being silent, she fixes her gaze to see him staring at Kumiko. With a hint of interest. Shin, feeling someone's gaze, looks at her, catching her gaze, they stared at each other until something flashed in Hana's eyes, Shin noticed this but couldn't figure out what it was.

Hana feeling like her emotions are about to burst, broke their staring contest and left with Kumiko, with the excuse of needing a release, whatever that meant for her.


What was that? Did I just feel my heartache? That was... weird.

Please don't like him, Hana, you'll only break your heart in the process.

You've been warning yourself, Hana! Complicated men are... complicated!


When Hana arrived in the classroom they all noticed her zoned-out expression, her emotions flashing once in a while. Figuring that she needs time for herself they left her be.

Shin however couldn't stop himself from staring. He knew something was wrong the moment she chose to fix her gaze elsewhere, if it was her, she would've winked and teased him.

He just hopes she's back to herself before this day ends.


But Hana never returned, all day she was distracted, and everyone couldn't talk to her without finishing the conversation with a basic answer, as if she's trying to block anyone who tries to communicate with her.

Someone noticed this and thought it might be best not to talk with her right now. And of course, that is Shin.

"Class dismissed." They noticed that Hana has been waiting for this because once their current teacher said that she bolts out.

She chose to wait for Kumiko at the entrance gate, choosing to say goodbye to her classmates if ever they decide not to hang out in the classroom.

"bye Hana-chan!" The said girl only gives a small smile and wave.

Each time someone says their goodbyes she does so.

"Hana-cha~n! bye, bye!" Hana who hears this looks to see the boys, Uchiyama, Noda, Minami, Kuma, and Shin standing on the right side of the gate.

She gives a smile and waves, she thought of telling them to hang out with her in the arcade when Kumiko comes running to her with two females following after.

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