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"take care." their grandfather gives his farewells.

Both Hana and Kumiko smile, "yea." the latter answers.

As they walk through the streets people greet them, having known the second granddaughter of the Oedo family has returned and also accustomed to Kumiko, seeing her grow up and shape into the woman that she is now.

Although the damn pigtails still remained.

Hana walks slowly, seeing the packed bus stop. "man, will we still fit the bus? It'll be too cramped." she complains, pouting at the obvious line of adults.

"Lower your voice, don't be rude." Kumiko scolds her, Hana faces Kumiko, showing her obvious pout.

In response, Kumiko clamps Hana's lips in between her thumb and pointing finger, "stop pouting and behave." Hana grumbles an inaudible 'fine', muttering to herself.

Hana sees her sister look in the nearby window and 'prepares' herself, for what? She doesn't know, but for who? She might have a clue.

Creeped out with her sister's snickers she moves forward, "damn, my sister is going crazy and for a man at that, unacceptable." she says as if she isn't interested in a man herself.

When the bus arrives Hana hurriedly enters, not wanting it to leave her and also hoping to find a spot where she isn't pressed to some stranger.

Hana sighs in relief, "oh gosh, good thing I got this seat before anyone could." that is after she sees her sister talking to herself.

"shit." she stands up and opens the window.

"Onee-chan!" she yells, catching the attention of the passengers except for the one she yells for.

"oh my god that idiot," she exclaimed, speechless that her sister would leave her for the second time.

"who's supposed to take care of who?"


Well, let's just say Kumiko entirely forgot about her sister when her 'Romeo' arrived. Shinohara looked like a fairy in Kumiko's eyes, shining like a damn star.

Back to Hana, she decided to stop at the park they pass by going to the school. If her sister walked she'd obviously pass by the park, there's no harm in waiting.

If I get late for my lesson I could just blame onee-chan.

Realizing she could get a pass, Hana gives a devilish laugh.

"what happened? Why are you laughing? And why are you here instead of the school?" startled Hana let's out a curse, staring wide-eyed at her sister. Who later laughs at her.

I wanna be late, let's see who has the last laugh onee-chan.

Hana pouts, now back to her sulking mode. Again Kumiko only laughs at her, not giving an effort of comforting her.

"let's go!" Kumiko puts an arm around her, smiling happily and skipping.

This made it hard for Hana to walk, seeing as her sister is literally connected to her and is bouncing.

"the hell are you chirpy for? Did you meet your Sakurazakashita-sama?" Hana teases, she sees this as a sign to make fun of her sister, wanting to see her embarrassed expression.

Kumiko, however, sees this differently. She let out a girly giggle - which brought a disgusted expression to Hana's face, Kumiko laughs at this, used to her sister's expression and way of acting - and started to describe their encounter.

Hana regretted ever asking, but when her sister yells a name in the middle of her storytelling she mentally thanked whoever the person is, for she was not paying attention to her surroundings and just zoning out.

"Sawada!" Kumiko calls out once again.

Now out of her trance, Hana looks to the person her sister was calling out to. Her eyes bulged when she saw it was Shin.

Honestly speaking she doesn't know how to act around Shin. It felt like she hadn't talked to him in ages (just me, totally forgot to update, was too busy with my modules and all the vaccines and stuff. Ya girl scared).

In response Shin graces them with a glance, later taking his eyes off them, lingering to Hana for a few seconds.

Hana scoffs, "if he wanted to stare at my face I could give him a picture." Kumiko just cluelessly smiles at her younger sister.

"I heard that, and it was just mere seconds. But I'll take the picture anyway." Shocked, Hana looks back to see Shin already staring at her, his mouth forming a grin.

"shit, so embarrassing." she mumbles, running away.

Kumiko laughs but got a glimpse of her watch to see that she was late. She runs along with Hana, who laughs at her pathetic approach of a run.

When'd I start acting like a school girl anyway? I should probably check out my package soon, if anything is missing I'll sue that fucking company. Hana couldn't help but change her train of thoughts to a different subject, not liking the hammering beat of her heart.

Meanwhile, the owner of the company she mentioned sneezed, clueless that a certain someone was taking her anger on him.

Meanwhile, Shin was reminded of the talk Kumiko gave him.

"delinquents with pride my ass." he whispers, refusing to back down and let Kumiko through the walls he built.

No one's going to pass that darned wall, not now. Then without warning an image of Hana passed through Shin's head.

Startled he sits up, "what the heck? That girl? No, it's all just nothing, flirting around doesn't mean I like her. We're just entertaining each other." Shin reminds himself but looked more like he was convincing himself.


"I shouldn't have said it was jogging day." Kumiko now regrets, not liking how sweaty she's getting.

She stops huffing when she sees Hana chuckling and holding her phone out, its direction facing her.

"oi! Are you recording me?!" Hana in return laughs, running in and making sure her skirt doesn't move that much.

"Hana!" Kumiko warns her sister but later laughs when Hana faces her waving her phone childishly.

She just shakes her head, "at least she's getting cheery."

Both Hana and Kumiko stop when they see a lot of people crowding on a billboard. Hana's chuckles died down when she sees the said billboard full of her sister's inappropriate photo plastered.

Angered, she huffs and enters their building, already knowing who did it.

When the group enters her peripheral vision she quickly held Koda's collar, glaring at him.

"ey yow Hana-chan! Let me guess, didn't like the picture?" Hana continues to glare though and seeing as she is serious Koda drops his playful expression, turning cold.

"wanted your picture in there?" everyone 'ooh'd, now paying attention as Hana goes rigid.

"delete that fucking photo in your laptop, make sure that there's no trace in it, or I'll fuck it up and make sure that even the files inside it will never be recovered." this time it is Koda's turn to stiffen.

He didn't like a girl threatening him, he didn't like it one bit.

"now." but Hana was fucking intimidating and he didn't want his laptop to suffer from his actions, so he obliged.



[A/N: I'm getting sleepy, and I still need to answer most of my modules because laziness ate me up the past few days. So I'll continue this some other time. most of y'all know I don't quite keep my promises.]

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