Special Scene

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(A/N: this is actually a scene I made with all the countless scenes I wrote for this story. however this one's different because it's actually the ending of a story I wanna write, I just haven't thought much about how I'll start with it.)

[scene 17][yep, this is how many scenes I've made so far for this story.]

(something about the FL transported into Gokusen)

Finally, the first season of Gokusen is done, now all I need to wait for is Shin's iconic 'sorry but make that four of us' statement.

I love the ending, I just wonder when the special episode will start though. Oh, Hana wishes she could just end it there, but with the viewers loving the first season, they really had to add the special graduation episode.


"When is he gonna say it?" Hana asks herself, sitting by the shade of the tree and watching Yankumi and the students playing the kick-the-can game.

Instead of hearing the iconic line, she sees Shin walking towards her, his smirk evident.

"what are you doing here?" she asks, as soon as he sat beside her.

Putting both his arms behind his head and leaning against the tree he replies, "what else?" he raises his eyebrow as if stating the obvious.

Hana rolls her eyes, smiling teasingly.

"what else? Maybe, like, confessing your love for Yankumi?" she playfully says, bumping her shoulder to his.

She looks to Shin only to see him with a scowl, both his arms now down. She tilts her head, clueless.

"When have I ever liked Yankumi as a girl?" without knowing her jaws drop, now questioning reality.

What the hell?

Isn't he supposed to like Yankumi? What happened?

Kami-sama, was putting me here a grave mistake? Holy shit... does he perhaps like me instead of--

"don't get silly thoughts in your head now." Shin says, hearing her gasp out of nowhere.

"I swear she catches up too soon." he mutters. Feeling embarrassed for openly showing his affection.

"right? No way~ you'd rather like Yankumi than me."

"but also too dense to notice. (also something like;) but also downs herself to the point of being dense.[but I also like wanna make her into a badass and queen-like character, but I've never tried to make a perfect like female lead so I feel challenged.] " he sighs at the peculiar girl in front of him.

How did I fall in love with a weirdo?

"Hey, both of you!" startled them and stared at the large crowd advancing towards them.

Shin, nervous at the rapid speed they have, unknowingly ran with his hands connected to Hana, dragging her with him.

"oh my god!" she yelled, panicking. They all laughed at how exaggerated and she is and tried to catch her.

She curses in different languages threatened by their presence growing near she shouts, her adrenaline kicking in.

"I swear to god if you try to touch my hair I'll kill you!" she says in English, only Shin being able to understand.

Shin laughs at this, shouting in delight.

They all stop though when Yankumi appears in front of them, hands on her hips.

"Okay, everyone! Let's run to the sun!" they all cheer and chase after her.

Shin still holding Hana's hand smiles. Happy with how everything turned out.


(A/N: I'm sorry if the text looks weird, I wrote it in an app on my laptop so I don't really know how the texts look from a reader's perspective with a different font. I ALSO MADE THIS SPECIAL CHAP FOR THE PERSON READING THIS STORY! HELLO TO WHOEVER YOU AREEE~ so far you're the only one reading my story, probably because Gokusen is so old and not many people know about it. but I really appreciate you reading this <3 )

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