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i'm sorry, this is a  very short chapter.

"never mind that! Let's get our revenge with that Head Teacher." Hana smiles awkwardly, she knew things won't end well for her class and her sister.

"there's not a time you lot don't cause trouble," she mumbles under her breath.

Hearing this, Shin grins. He knows she doesn't intend to say it in a mean way. It's just how her tone and mind work.

"y'all sure this is fine?" Hana asks while holding on to a paintbrush, grimacing at all the misspelled words her 'friends' were writing.

When they don't answer she looks over at Shin to ask for his opinion when she sees him just sitting there, not glancing their way.

"hey, I need a new paintbrush." Uchi says, wanting to dip his current brush in a different color but thinks otherwise because I quote 'the colors might mix'.

He asks for it again when he doesn't hear Hana's reply or feel her giving him a paintbrush.

Finally figuring out she isn't listening he glances her way, only to see she's distracted.

Seeing her staring at Shin made him chuckle. Standing up, he walks to her.

"such amazing view." he stays serious, hoping he'd catch Hana slipping her tongue.

"yes, it is..." only realizing late she stares wide-eyed at Uchi, only to see him already grinning at her.

"Uchi you dick!"

Hearing that familiar enraged tone Shin looks back at his companions.

Hana chases Uchiyama around, denying something about a view.

Shin didn't care about the topic though, he's more concerned with the fact that Hana's getting so comfortable around his mates. Seeing as she's hitting Uchi and not wincing at the skinship.

However, something tells him he didn't like it one bit.

As if a switch was turned on he grumbles, "no, snap out of it. Fuck."

He'd rather eat poo than ascertain whatever he's thinking—his words, not mine.

"hey." with just a simple word this person got everyone's attention. Including Hana and Uchi who were about to fight.

"clean up." translation: I'm getting tired waiting, I'm leaving whether you come or not.

Classic Shin.

Realizing Shin isn't in the mood everyone cleans up, except Hana who refuses to 'clean up the mess of others.'

She instead went running for Shin to pester him, Shin secretly grins, he knows he likes her following him, but he just won't admit it. Ever.

Seeing as they're left alone Minami sighs, "I can't understand Shin these days, normally he'd shoo away girls or blatantly ignore them. What's so different about Hana-chan?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that Shin finds her interesting and Hana-chan's incredibly pretty?" Kuma says sarcastically eating his Takoyaki.

The group just stares at him, they didn't even notice him leave, how'd he get a Takoyaki?

"where'd you get that?!"


[A/N: I'm having a hard time typing, my left forearm hurts, but I'll make sure to write tomorrow and publish chapters. the wifi is really slow in my room.... almost couldn't pub this.] 

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