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[A/N: this one's a filler.]

Hana waits under the shade of a tree, knowing her sister's scolding will be over anytime soon. And she was right.

Now she sees both Kuma and Shin walking up the trail, she raises her hand to greet them.

They regard her greetings by nodding, smiling she walks beside Shin, every now and then glancing up at him in worry.

"Kuma, Hana." both students stop in their tracks, waiting for Shin's next sentence.

"you both go on ahead." before waiting for a reply he runs back.

Where could he be heading in such haste?

Hana stares at Kuma in confusion, Kuma sighs and explained what happened when she left.

Realizing that her sister might be fighting off thugs right now she buckles up to run, only to be stopped by Kuma's voice.

"he was worried you know." who was worried? Hana was never the type to care for anyone's attention.

She knew she could protect and handle herself well, but it seems like all the walls she built crumbled when she stepped foot on this country.

Everything she'd been hiding might not have been revealed yet, but she was sure she is changing, for better or for worst she does not know, but what she knows is that it will do her no good... at least it's what she believes in.

"you should've seen the relief in his eyes when he saw you sitting on the shade." this statement from Kuma snaps Hana out of her thoughts.

"Thanks." why she was thanking him she do not know.

Thanks for telling me? Or at least for the efforts of informing me? She really didn't know, it was such a long time since she knew what she felt.

And that was about skateboarding, speaking of that, her shipment would arrive anytime now, she would be very delighted to see her belongings once again.

I doubt he was worried about me, it might've been a sense of responsibility. Right...

She refuse to believe other than her family would really understand her or go as far as to worry about her, she wasn't naïve. Whatever she had going on with Shin was just a play, maybe he was using her to get rid of Kumiko, hitting the same bird with one stone.

She just hopes she wouldn't fall too deep so it isn't hard for her to pull herself up.


Meanwhile, Kumiko is out there fighting the thugs.

She gave them a good scolding. Hana thought.

Because when she arrived she came across Shin who told her that the goons were knocked out, stacked atop each other, who else could've done this other than her sister?

But Shin is still too suspicious to agree, even without voicing it out she knew he was worried for Kumiko.

Probably because she's a girl in his eyes, a harmless one.

That is the impression Kumiko embedded the moment she entered their class, so Hana wouldn't be surprised if Shin thought that way.

Still, in her thoughts Hana is dragged back to school by Shin, she was unconsciously running beside him, her eyes void of light.

Shin grew worried and decided to wake her up before entering the school gates.


"Hana!" fortunately Hana snaps out of it and later smiles at Shin after realizing what had happened.

"Sorry, I got too caught up with my thoughts." she said, walking inside the gymnasium and not waiting for Shin.

Shin, however, stands still and stares at her, an unreadable expression in his eyes.


[A/N: I CAN'T BELIEVE I'VE FINISHED SEASON ONE'S EPISODE ONE, and yes I have already ten chapters and I still wasn't done with a fckin episode, but I kind of like the flow soooo... anyway, bye!]

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